1868 06 12 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 12/06/1868.
The monthly (adjourned) meeting of the Redcar Local Board was held yesterday week (04/06) at the offices, Redcar. Present: Messrs J. Johnston (chairman), T. Blatherwick, H. Moore, E. W. Lennard, J. Harrison, J. G. Thompson (Clark), and M. Crabtree (surveyor.)
Minutes of the last monthly meeting were red and confirmed. On the motion of Mr Lennard. The clerk was instructed to prepare an estimate for a general district rate. The Surveyor reported that the Sanitary Committee had not yet, inspected the nuisance said to exist upon Mr. Duck’s property in the High Street, consequently, there was no report.
The tender of Mr T. Guy, to paint the outside of the offices, four £3.10 shillings was accepted.
Mr Lennard called the attention to the desirability of having the streets watered during the summer, but found no supporter, therefore the matter fell through.
Plans for converting the old Quaker’s chapel into a cottage were next, and laid before the Board. Mr Henry Moore said that the alterations made in the windows shown on the plan would injure his property adjoining the chapel, and that he should break them up iff the alterations were persisted. He did not think that the Surveyor ought to prepare plans for people. He was the adviser of the Board, and had no business to have an interest in plans being passed. The Chairman asked whether the Surveyor was not engaged to devote his whole time to the service of the Board. He thought it a very wrong thing that he should prepare plans and then half to report upon them to the Board. The Surveyor explained that he had prepared the plans under notice in his leisure time -he believed they were done on a Sunday. He was requested to prepare them by Mr Webster, he anticipated there would have been any objection to the alterations, he should most assuredly have refused having anything to do in the matter. The plans were then withdrawn for an alteration in the Windows to be made. A special meeting of the Board was next held, and on the motion of Mr Len, seconded by Mr Blatherwick, a special district rate of eight pence in the pound, payable on Monday, was passed. This finished the business
Lol Hansom June 8, 2013 Redcar - Local Board