1869 07 09 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 09/07/1869.
At the ordinary monthly meeting of this body, held on Monday (06/07), the following members were present. :-Messrs E. W. Lennard (Chairman), Harrison, Fairbridge, Richardson, Mallaby, Cowl, and Watson. After the minutes of the meeting held June, 7th, 12th, and 17th, had been read and confirmed, accounts amounting in the aggregate to £13.3s.11d were examined and checks given for their payment. It was then agreed that the minute respecting the lighting of Alma Parade and the adjoining streets should stand over, as a new arrangement would have soon to be made with the Gas Company on account of the public lighting, and they could then enquire the terms for the whole affair. Mr Cowl asked whether the servants of the Gas Company were allowed to tear up the streets when they liked without leave from the board. They had disturbed the street in front of his house and left it in a very rough state, so much so that he was a great trouble to keep it clean. It was shameful to leave the streets in that state also. The Clerk replied that in point of law. They had not the slightest right to do so. Mr Harrison said that if there was any complaint it ought to be made to the Gas Company. He was sure they did not wish to do any damage. The Clerk advised that he should be allowed to write to the chairman of the Gas Company requesting them to ask for leave to disturb the streets. It was suggested that the places be restored and the Gas Company charged with the expenses. It was also proposed that committee reformed to wait upon the Company and settle all matters. Ultimately, the Clerk was directed to write to the Company and transect all necessary business.
With respect to the nuisances complained of last month the Surveyor reported that they had been considerably abated. The Chairman complained that there was a very odious odour on this Sunday evening in the Church Open, which was very inconvenient to persons passing that way. The Surveyor, said that the smell complained of arose from the yard of Mr Thomas Blatherwick, who kept a large heap of mussel shells stored up, and in this hot weather a very noxious exhalation evolved from it.
It was stated relative to the amalgamation of the drainage of the North side of the Upleatham end of Redcar, that’s seven of the property owners had signed and three (Wm. Dixon, junior and senior, and John Coulson) have not yet done so.
The placing of additional seats on the Promenade and Sands for the accommodation of visitors was next on topis: it was shown that the want of them was very much felt and complained of, for the few of the Board possessed where always occupied. As the Sea Wall was 700 yards long, it was stated by the Surveyor that not less than a dozen chairs would be required and the old ones, could then go upon the Sands. It was after a little deliberation, resolved that 12 chairs (each 6 feet long, and costing 22s) with wrought iron sides and stays, should be purchased as soon as possible from Mr Cadle, of Stockton.
The Clerk reported that as the son of £520.4s.6d would be required for the General District Rate, and as the assessable value was £5202.5s, a rate of 2s in the pound must be levied.
Agreed to – The necessity for providing a cemetery for Redcar was discussed. It was acknowledged that the need for one is very pressing, and as the churchyard will not contain above 200 more bodies, and its condition was not all that could be desired; it wanted draining sadly, especially on the north side, which was very wet underground, and hardly fit for interning corpses. The cost of maintaining a cemetery would be small and by the time it was ready for use, the churchyard would be filled.
Mr Harrison said that he had no idea that the churchyard was so nearly full. He knew I was that a great many corpses had been deposited during the last two or three years, and that the burial ground was not thoroughly drained for where Dr Horner was interred the ground was very dry, and where a person who had been buried some little time before had been laid. It was too wet for anything.
The Chairman stated that they could not enclose the land adjoining the present burial ground, as the school commissioners would not sanction it, in consequence of its proximity to the schools. He would call a meeting of ratepayers, and as soon as possible and learn the opinion on the subject.
The Clerk advised that first they should obtain information respecting any available sites suitable for the purpose, the cost and other facts that would be useful; then they might see the ratepayers. When fully prepared to answer any questions, or meet any objections, and learn the views. The Chairman, said that he had been looking about lately for a site, and he fancied that Mrs Jordison’s field adjoining Sandy Lane would be suitable, it was neither too
far from no to near the town. Mr Harrison remarked that the layman referred to for the appellation of Thawite’s Lane.
It was agreed that a committee composed of Messrs Lennard, Harrison, Cowl, and Mallaby, be appointed to ascertain what suitable sites could be procured, their cost, &c.; and report of thereon at the next meeting.
Mr Harrison complained that the streets were not watered often enough, and the Surveyor undertook to have them watered every day which it did not rain, and also promised to look after the watering of the Back Lane.
The Chairman complained that the garbage left by the fishermen was allowed to remain on the Sands, and during the present hot weather, it was important that such a thing should be attended to, because they are very unhealthy order was generated. The Surveyor, said that it had been taken from the Sands every day the last week, but it was sometimes impossible for him to attend to it, or spare the horse and man for its removal, for he was sometimes called away at five o’clock in the morning to attend a water pipe, and did not get home again to 12 at night, and then, perhaps the work had to be resumed next day. He was only at a loss now as to a place for depositing the garbage so that it might not affect the town. Mr Richardson said that there was accommodation on his farm for any quantity. He mixed it with soil and it then made very good manure. Mr Baker, when in receipt of five pound a year for this service, always took it to his farm. The Surveyor replied that they could not always spare time to take it so far; it would employ the horse and cart and a man a quarter of the day, and they were often wanted for other more important things at that time.
It was resolved that Mr Crabtree be instructed to remove the garbage from the Sands to any place he thinks suitable, as often as is required. No doubt this resolution will afford satisfaction to habitual walkers on the beach, for no longer will the rise be offended with the site nor the nostrils with the smell of the half decomposed ‘natives of the deep,’ which used to be kicking about near high watermark.
A plan of two cottages to be built by Lord Zetland at the east end (on the site of the present pinfold) of Fisherman’s Square, similar to those now built, was approved, and the meeting then terminated.
Lol Hansom March 11, 2013 Redcar - Local Board