1870 04 14 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 14/04/1870.
At the monthly meeting, held on Friday (08/04), there were present Messrs Lennard, Mallaby, Fairbridge, Cowl, Watson, Webster, R. Johnson, and Whitaker.
The new members took the declaration required by Act Parliament.
Mr Cowl proposed that Mr Lennard be re–elected chairman for the ensuing financial year. During the past year he had discharge the duties of Chairman very efficiently and impartially, and they could not do better than put him in the chair again.
Mr Whitaker seconded the proposition, which was carried unanimously.
The Chairman complained that the voting papers had been tampered with during the late election. A policeman had gone round to some of the work voters, ordering them to vote for certain parties.
Messrs Cowl and Whitaker corroborated the chairman’s statement, and the Clerk was instructed to complained to Capt Hill, the chief constable, respecting the conduct of the policeman.
The committees were then appointed as follows:
Water Works. Messrs Watson, Johnson, Fairbridge, and Whitaker. To meet on the second Monday in each month.
Sanitary. Messrs Harrison, Webster, Mallaby, and Cowl. To meet on the third Monday in each month.
Plans. Messrs Johnson, Cowl, Mallaby, and Watson. To meet on the Friday before the monthly meeting.
Finance. Messrs Webster, Mallaby, Harrison, and Cowl. To meet on the Wednesday before the monthly meeting.
The minute with regard to lighting, paving, and channelling Wilton Street, &c., was ordered to be continued.
The benefit, respecting the public lighting was also ordered to be continued.
The Chairman reported that the committee appointed to wait on the Upleatham owners had not been able to meet yet. He thought the feeling of the owners, was opposed to the extension.
The Clerk thought it was desirable to ascertain their opinion. He spoke strongly in favour of the extension, and asked Mr Johnson if he had any thing to say against it.
Mr Johnson said he had nothing to say against the scheme. He thought the Earl of Zetland would object to it, if his rent charges were interfered with the Surveyor: if his Lordship claimed the Sands as private property, he should clear them of nuisances.
Messrs Webster and Johnson were added to the Cemetery Committee.
The minute, respecting the highway between Redcar and Coatham was ordered to be continued, the Clerk saying that he believed the Railway Co. Intended doing something to it.
The Surveyor reported that he had been to examine the reservoir, and found that some tree roots had gone into one of the supply pipes. He had it taken up, and he took the roots out and brought them for the inspection of the Board.
The Clerk read a letter from Mr Trotter, respecting the ground for the secretary, in which he stated that he had written to Lord Zetland on the matter, and his Lordship had ascertained from his solicitors in London that he could dispose of the land in question. When the land was valued he would write further on the subject.
The Clerk also read a letter from Mr Rutherford, stating that Mr Newcomen intended to carry the sand onto the beach until it was all removed from behind Newcomen Terrace.
The clerk was instructed to write again to Mr Rutherford.
Another letter was read by the clerk from the secretary of the sea wall committee, giving notice that they were ready to hand over the wall to the Board, and were wishful to do so with as little delay as possible.
Resolved that the notice be accepted.
Ordered that the foregoing resolutions recommended.
Lol Hansom May 11, 2013 Redcar - Local Board