1870 06 17 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting

Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette. 17/06/1870.


            The usual monthly meeting of the Local Board of Health for the District of Redcar was held on Friday afternoon (10/06). Present:- Messrs. E. W. Leonard, (chairman), J. Johnston, J. Mallaby, J. G. Thompson (clerk), J. H. Bennett (medical officer), M. Crabtree (the surveyor).. Minutes of the last meeting of two special meeting is at which Leonard Dr. Bennet was appointed medical officer of health, were red and confirmed. The minutes with regard to lighting, paving, flagging, and channelling certain streets, were again continued. The minute with regard to the water was again continued. The Surveyor noted that the Water Works Committee held a meeting on the 10th of last month, and which he received instructions to prepare estimates for a reservoir at New Building Farm, five times the size of the present one. The committee also determined, in case of supply of water to clean yards that the persons dissatisfied could have the water measured by meter, at the rate of 1s.8d, per thousand gallons on making this application and undertaking to pay interest on the cost of the meter. Mr Cowl moved that the minute the referred back to the committee. Agreed to.- The minute with regard to purchase of land for the new burial ground was continued. The Clerk reported that the Esplanade was now made a public highway. The deposit of sand on Coatham beach being discontinued, the Board expressed itself satisfied, and the minute was a raised from the book. The clerk read the estimate for a special district rate of ten in the pound, for the ensuing year. The amount required walls £210.16s.5d., which, on a net annual value of £5059.3s.9d. gave the required sum. This rate is three pence in the pound less than that of last year. The surveyor reported that the water pipes for Wilton Street had not arrived. He also reported that he had laid a flag in front of the Swan Hotel, as ordered at the last meeting. The clerk reported that the petition for the extension of the district was duly forwarded to the local Government Office, and its received at Dulwich by Mr. Tom Taylor. That morning he received a letter from Messrs Frere and Co., of London solicitors to Lord Zetland, who objected to the extension, on the ground that it interfered with the rights of Lord Zetland, but did not state in what particular. A lengthy conversation ensued, in the course of which some surprise was expressed as to the way in which the rights were interfered with, seeing that the For board room with to make regulations for bathing removing the sanitary conditions is the beach below high water, and for the removal of nuisances. The clerk was authorised to see Messrs Frere and Co., if necessary, and to arrange any particular in which it might be thought that the rights of his Lordship were likely to be prejudiced. A letter was read from Messrs. Trevor, of Guisborough, complaining that the Surveyor had persisted in removing sand and gravel from the beach, belonging to Lord Zetland, and intimated that if he persisted, legal proceedings would be taken to preserve his Lordship’s right. The Surveyor admitted removing the gravel, but contented that he was rather improving the beach than otherwise. He denied removing sand from the beach, but, on the other hand, had placed many hundred loads thereon. Mr stated it was a mistake as to the sand. He received instructions, only lately, to prevent any person removing gravel without having permission from Mr. Trotter. The Chairman stated that someone had been taken gravel off the road, belonging to the town. Mr Cowl claimed that something must be wrong, for the Board of Health have a obstruction thrown against them every hand, in the name of Lord Zetland. Mr Webster said the roads to the beach were dangerous, and the gravel lay within a fume yards of them. It was ridiculous to buy gravel when he could be had by asking for. There seemed to be an impression that the Board was antagonistic to Lord Zetland. The sooner this was exploded to better it be for all parties. Their interest lay in Redcar the same as his Lordship’s. The letter was referred to the Clerk for a report. The Sanitary Committee recommended that the Surveyor write to Messrs. Newby, Richmond , and what’s, insisting on the proper cleansing of Smith’s buildings which consisted of four rooms in a dilapidated condition, and overcrowded nineteen tenants. Mr Johnson said there were six rooms. The clerk from the Nuisance Removal Act that where they place is overcrowded and detrimental to the health, the medical officer could give a certificate, and the local authority take proceedings for a remedy. Mr Johnson said that all but one family Notice to leave the house next week. The matter was referred to the Cemetery Committee. Plans of alterations to the shop front of number 467, high Street, for Mr Watson Dixon, approved; of a Freemasons’ Hall propose to be built upon a piece of land adjoining Dundas Street and high Street, rejected on the ground that no street plan which yet submitted by the landowners or approved by the Board; of a Louses proposed to be built by the Redcar Gas Company, in Alma Parade, were approved; of coach shed to be built in the yard of the Swan Hotel by Mr. John Cowl, and of a water closet at the Stockton Hotel, were approved. The Surveyor was directed to give notice for removal of stalls and other obstructions placed in High Street by occupiers of shops. At the Clerk suggestion the whole Board was appointed a committee to assist in preparing by-laws so soon as the proposed extension of the district was effected. Mr Cowl announced that the Railway Company had agreed to repair the road between Craster Terrace and the Clarendon Hotel, and that the parish would accept the road when in a proper state; and he had been deputed, at a ratepayers meeting, at Kirkleatham, to ask the Board to pave the footpath in front of the Board’s premises. This was agreed to, providing the other owners of property in West Terrace, did the same. The meeting then ended.


Lol Hansom July 21, 2013 Redcar - Local Board