1871 01 13 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 13/01/1871


            At the monthly meeting of the board, on Monday last (09/01), there were present Messrs Lennard (Chairman), Mallaby, Cowl, Webster, Harrison, Johnston, and Watson; Sale (deputy clerk), and M. Crabtree (surveyor).

Drafts of agreements between the Board and the Gas Company, for the transfer of the street lamps and the supply of gas for public lighting, were read and approved of.

The minute respecting the proposed enlargement of the reservoir was ordered to be continued.

A proposition to the effect that gas lamp’s replaced in Redcar Lane and Smith Street was negative.


            The Surveyor read the report of the committee appointed at the last meeting to consider the subject of numbering and naming the streets. It recommended that the whole of the Main Street be called High Street, the name to be affixed at each end; West Terrace and the Esplanade to be properly numbered; Pick’s opening to be called Clarendon Street; the Back Lane, as far as the church, to be called Lord Street; the houses in a line with West Terrace to be called the West-end; and the remaining streets to retain the present names.

The report was received and adopted, and it was resolved that the houses in the High Street should be numbered consecutively, the Surveyor being requested to procure samples of figures by the next meeting.


            The Deputy Clerk said a plan of the proposed site for the cemetery had been sent to the Earl of Zetland’s solicitors, who had since written to say that his Lordship would sell the land required for the cemetery at £200 per acre. The Clerk had written to Mr Trotter, asking what his Lordship would contribute towards the cost, but no reply had been received.

The Surveyor was requested to examine the outlet of the drain in the churchyard.

Accounts amounting to £37 were ordered to be paid.

A plan of dwelling house, stores, stable, etc., to be built for Mr Peat, on the Esplanade, was passed, and the meeting terminated.




Lol Hansom March 16, 2013 Redcar - Local Board