1871 09 08 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 08/09/1871.
The usual monthly meeting of the above Board took place on Monday last (04/09), at the Board room. There were present, Messrs, Lennard (Chairman), Harrison, Mallaby, Watson, Whitaker, Webster, and J. G. Thompson (clerk). It was all good that the minutes referring to private streets being declared highways be continued. It was also ordered that Mr. Abbey’s application with reference to flagging be continued. The minutes referring to the gas contracts was also continued. It was proposed by Mr Mallaby, and seconded by Mr Harrison, that £10. be voted to the medical officer for his services during the past year. Carried. A discussion having arisen as to the necessity of separating the office of collector from that of surveyor and Inspector of nuisances, it was resolved that the offices should be combined as usual until the end of the present financial year, when they will be separated. It was ordered that the annual report of the Local Board for the year ending 25 March, 1871, be published in the Redcar Gazette. It was also resolved that the banking account of the Board be transferred from Messrs. J. Backhouse and call., bankers to the National Provincial Bank, Redcar. The Surveyor reported that the water cart, which had been led to Coatham, had been returned in a broken condition and unfit for use. He further stated that having reported its condition to the makers at Beverley, they had replied that the cart must be sent there, for the necessary repairs, which could not be executed in Redcar. It was resolved that the car be sent to Beverley for the necessary repairs.
Lol Hansom March 24, 2013 Redcar - Local Board