1874 06 04 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 04/06/1874.
The ordinary monthly meeting of this Board was held on Monday afternoon (01/06), at the Board-room, West Terrace. Present – Messrs Watson, (Chairman), Cowl, Coulson, Fairbridge, Johnston; J. G. Thompson (clerk), and D. D. Bookless Perry (surveyor).
Minutes of the last monthly meeting, and a special meeting, were read and confirmed at latter necessary funds were completed for a long of £700 from the Yorkshire Insurance Company, which has since been received and paid into bank to the credit of the Board. At the last meeting, the Surveyor was directed to report as to what plans were missing from the Board room, and nail stated that he had being unable to complete the examination of the plans, but would do so before the next meeting. The minute was accordingly ordered to be continued. A letter was read from Mr John Marwood, rate collector, asking for an increase of salary of £5 per annum. Is present yearly salary is £20. The application was ordered to stand over till the next meeting. The application of Mr Chappell, to be supplied with water for brick making purposes, was again considered. At a previous meeting his application had been refused, and he had written to the Stockton and Darlington Water Company, asking to be supplied by them stop. He now sent a letter, received by him from Mr Simpson, secretary to the Company, enclosing one from Mr I’ Anson, secretary to the Cleveland Water Company. The former expressed the willingness of the Stockton and Darlington Water Company to supply Mr Chappell with water, were it not for an objection their doing so by the Cleveland Water Company, who were empowered by Act of Parliament to supply the district of Redcar with water; which, the letter from their secretary, stated, they would have to do so that all later, and they were consequently laying downpipes for the purpose, to be ready when such an emergency should arise. After some discussion it was resolved that under the circumstances. Mr Chappell’s application be acceded to, subject to the supply being cut off at any time the Board may require. It was resolved that in future all water requires for building purposes be paid for in advance, prior to the same being laid on. The Clerk reported that a meeting of the Highways Committee had been held that morning, and they recommended that the bathing machine stands remain as at present. They also recommended that the stand for horses, donkeys, etc., Be on the part of the beach in front of Graffenberg Street. The Surveyor was directed to carry out the minutes of the Board with respect to boats been placed on the Esplanade. A report was read from the Surveyor stating that he had examined all the taps, water closets, and ash pits in the township, and that he had found them generally in a satisfactory state. Some minor defects had been pointed out, which were in course of being remedied. The report also stated that the number of In the township was 429, parish of Upleatham 27; number of water closets in the township 137, parish of Upleatham 11 stop the Surveyor was ordered to prepare a plan and estimate of a public urinal, to be placed on the Esplanade; also of a rail fence for the highest part of the roadway to the beach opposite Graffenberg Street, in accordance with suggestions in his report. An estimate of the special district rate of 1s in the £ was approved.
Lol Hansom January 31, 2014 Redcar - Local Board