1874 11 12 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 12/11/1874
The monthly meeting of the Local Board of Health for the district of Redcar was held on Friday evening last (06/11) having been adjourned from the previous Monday afternoon (02/11). Present were Messrs Watson (in the chair), Coulson, Fairbridge, Johnston, J. G. Thompson (clerk), and D. D. Bookless (surveyor). Minutes having been read and confirmed, the Clerk stated that he had received a reply from Adml Chaloner (chairman of the Guisborough bench of magistrates) to the application of the Board for petty sessions to be held at Redcar, the substance of which had already appeared in the local papers. A letter was read from Mr J. H. Webster, one of the church wardens, calling the attention of the Board to the necessity of re-laying the crossing from Church Street to the churchyard gate. The letter was referred to the Surveyor, with instructions to carry out the work. An application from the Gas Company for additional water for their new gas holder was acceded to, the water to be taken at such times and in such quantities as approved by the Surveyor, at a price to be fixed at a future meeting. A letter was read from Mr T. W. S. Locke, calling the attention of the Board to the prevalence of scarlet fever in the district, from which several deaths have taken place. The letter also stated that three cases of typhoid fever had recently occurred within a radius of a few yards, showing the necessity for efficient summitry supervision. After some discussion in which it was incidentally mentioned that the Board kept a plentiful supply of disinfectants, which any ratepayer could obtain on application to the Surveyor, the letter was referred to Dr Bennett, the medical officer of the Board, for him to report thereon. The Surveyor reported that he had completed the inspection of the water taps in the town and in Upleatham parish. Plan of intended new Street in West Dyke, to be laid out by Thomas Garbutt and others, and called Elton Street, was approved. Plan of 10 houses in Elton Street, for Mr W. Gladders, was approved Plan of alterations at 63 and 65 High Street, for Mr Clark, shoe dealer was approved. Plan of dwelling house and Smith’s shop, in Red Lion Street, for Mr P. Wallis, was also approved
Lol Hansom August 15, 2014 Redcar - Local Board