1877 05 04 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the Sea Gazette 04/05/1877.
The monthly meeting of this Board was held on Monday evening (30/04), Mr. J. H. Webster in the chair. The other members present were Messrs. Blatherwick, Coulson, Crabtree, Duff, and Patterson; with Mr. R. Nicholson (deputy clerk), and Mr. D. D. Bookless (surveyor). Minutes of the annual meeting were read and confirmed.
Mr. Crabtree reported that he had, in company with Messrs. Coulson, and Duff, attended the conference of sanitary directories at Middlesbrough, convened by Mr. Culley, of the Local Government Board, to consider the subject of the appointment of a district medical officer. It was proposed that the eleven Boards should join for this purpose, and ten of these were represented at the conference. The area under the control was 182,000 acres; the population numbered 141,000; and the rateable value amounted to £670,000. At present there were eight medical offices in the district, one being falls the Guisborough district alone; and the total amount paid in salaries was £705; of which some £410 is paid by the local authorities, and the remainder by the Local Government Board. Adml Chaloner spoke strongly in favour of Mr. Cully’s scheme, as did all so Mr. A. Buchannan, Mr. Petch, and Major Rudd. The Clerk of the Kendal Local Board, who attended the meeting, was heard by courtesy, and reported on the satisfactory working of a similar scheme in a large district in Westmorland. The Stokesley delegates, representing a population of 12,000, wished to remain as they were; and South Stockton, was all so against; while one of the Middlesbrough authorities did not send any deputation to the conference. For his (Mr. Crabtree’s) own part, he did not think it would be politic for Redcar to decide either for or against at present, but rather to withhold any decision until the more populous places gave in their adhesion to the scheme.
Mr. Duff deprecated this course, and said there were many reasons why Redcar should give for no uncertain sound, and the opportunity was then afforded them by the receipt of Mr. Culley’s report. One objectionable of the part of the scheme to his mind was the fact that they would have to be bound to the arrangement for five years, while they would have no guarantee that the salary of the gentleman appointed should not be increased in that period. Moreover, they did not know where he was to reside, and he submitted that to be of real service a medical officer should be on the spot.
Mr. Blatherwick proposed that we decide to remain as we are..
Mr. Duff seconded.
After a few remarks from Mr. Coulson,
Mr. Crabtree said that although he advised leaving the matter of for the a time, still he did not wish to place himself in opposition to the rest of the Board, and should go with the majority.
Tel Mr. Blatherwick’s proposition was then put to the meeting, and carried unanimously.
The Chairman said he had received a letter from Mr. Thompson, solicitor to the Board, who was at present in London, stating that the Local Government Board had intimated to him that they intended to grant a Provisional Order extending the district of Redcar, in accordance with the petition of the Board. He was then in communication with Lord Zetland’s solicitors, with a view to arrange clauses to be inserted in the Order, respecting the foreshore rights of His Lordship, as Lord of the Manner, which the Crown, at one time disputed, but now admits. This tended to confirm the rumour current in Coatham a few weeks ago, that the Local Government Board had decided to grant a Provisional Order for the formation of the Parish of Kirkleatham into a Local Government District, apart altogether from Redcar.
The Medical Officer (Dr. Bennett) reported that the sanitary conditions of Redcar continues good. Influenza and neuralgia prevail; zymotic diseases are entirely absent. The report was received..
Plan of a shop and dwelling house, intended to be erected by Mr. Benjamin Westerby, in Portland Terrace, was rejected, on the grounds that the line of front and the sun ash pit were objectionable, and that the means of ventilating some of the rooms were not shown. Plan of six dwelling houses, intended to be built in Alma Parade and Wilton Street, by Mr. William Robinson, was approved. Plan of the camera obscura, intended to be erected on the Esplanade, by Mr. R. Leonard, of South Bank, was approved. Plan of house, shop, and premises, for Mr. George Robinson, intended to be erected in High Street, was approved.
The Clerk was instructed to prepare estimates of general and special district rates, and lay the same before the next meeting. The Surveyor was directed to obtain estimates for the painting of the premises of the Board. The Inspector of Nuisances was ordered to prepare a report with regard to any objectionable erections in back yards for the keeping of pigs, poultry, etc., and any other existing nuisances, and lay of the same before the Board.
This was the whole of the business.
Lol Hansom November 21, 2014 Redcar - Local Board