1877 06 08 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 08/06/1877.
The ordinary monthly meeting of the Local board of Health for the district of Redcar was held at the Board-room, West Terrace, Redcar, on Monday evening (04/06). Mr. J. H. Webster in the chair; the other members present were Messrs. Blatherwick, Coulson, Duff, Patterson, and Wren; with Mr. J. G. Thompson, (clerk), and Mr. D. D. Bookless, (surveyor). Minutes having been read and confirmed, the Clerk, in pursuance of a minute passed at the last monthly meeting, submitted estimates of general and special district rates for the ensuing year. The estimated expenditure on general district rate account amounted to £932.10s.7d, and he (the Clerk) recommended that a rate of 2s. In the pound be levied, which would produce a sum slightly in excess of the estimated amount required, the rateable value of the town, being now £9,329; this would be a reduction of sixpence in the £on last year’s general district rate, which was 2s.6d.
Mr. Crabtree was afraid the amount proposed would hardly leave a sufficient margin for any unexpected call that might arise on the general district rate account during the year.
The Clerk replied that he expected there would be some little balances in hand from the present year’s accounts, and after some further conversation the estimate was passed. The estimate for the special district rate was next considered, which was recommended to be fixed at 10d in the £, the same as last year. It was explained that the rate was levied for the repayment of principal and interest of loans contracted prior to the passing of the Act of 1848, and that the Act in question required a special rate to be levied for the repayment of the same. The estimate was accordingly passed. The surveyor produced estimates that he had obtained for the painting of the outside of the premises belonging to the Board, and that of John Guy, who offered to do the work for £4, was conditionally accepted. Minutes of Highways, sanitary, and Committee were read and adopted; and the Plans and Finance Committee referred to the Board for further consideration. Plan of a dwelling-house, shop, and warehouse, for Mr. Benjamin Westerby, intended to be erected in Portland Terrace. The plan had been rejected at the last monthly meeting on the grounds of there being an objectionable ash pit, deficient ventilation in some of the bedrooms, and that the line of front projected beyond that of the adjoining property. In the present plan the objections to the ash pit had been remedied, but the line of front remained the same, and extended, about 2 feet beyond that of the houses on either side.
The Chairman said the Board had recently refused to pass to plans relating to the property in High Street, on the ground that the line of frontage would exceed that of the adjoining property, and in both cases the wishes of the Board, had afterwards been complied with. He would therefore move that this plan be again rejected, on the same grounds as before, viz., that the proposed line of front extended beyond that of the houses on either side.
Mr. Duff seconded.
Mr. Blatherwick thought that if a person bought a piece of land, and did not choose to have a garden in front of his house, E, had a right to build on it. If he pleased.
Mr. Wren remarked that already plans have been passed in two instances four houses, extending even beyond the line of that of Mr. Westerby’s. It after wards appeared that Mr. Wren was under the EU erroneous impression that it was only proposed to bring out the shop window beyond the line of frontage.
The Clerk said he would read the section of the Public Health Act (1875) bearing on the subject, which was as follows:
“It shall not be lawful in any urban district without the written consent of the Urban Authority, to bring forward any house or building forming part of any street, or any part thereof, beyond the front wall of the house or building on either side thereof, nor to build any additional thereto beyond the front of the house or building on either side of the same.” No amendment being proposed, the Chairman put the motion, and all present voted for the rejection of the plan, except Messrs. Blatherwick and Wren, who altogether abstained from voting.
The Clerk said he expected to receive the Provisional Order extending the district of Redcar within the next few days. The minutes and approved plans were then ordered to be signed and sealed, and the meeting adjourned
Lol Hansom November 23, 2014 Redcar - Local Board