1878 02 08 Kirkleatham Local Board Meeting
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 08/02/1878.
The monthly meeting of this Board was held on Friday last (01/02), at the office, 1, Nelson Terrace, Coatham. Present: Mr. A. H. T. Newcomer (chairman), Messrs. Hikeley, James, Nelson, Ridley, Robson, Rutherford, and Wallis; Messrs. M. B. Dodds (clerk), T. L. Thompson (surveyor and inspector of nuisances), and J. H. Burton (rate-collector). Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Surveyor’s report was read and considered in detail. He had examined the drain at the back of Milbank Terrace, and recommended that connecting drains be substituted for the existing 6 inch drains. Notices were ordered to be served on the owners in accordance with this recommendation. Notices were all so ordered to be served on the owners of property abutting on Pierson Street, ordering them to put the same into a proper state of repair. Notice was ordered to be served on the owner of the house, 26, Newcomen Street, adjoining the property. An estimate for making the Thrushwood farm Road, 417 yards in length, at a cost of £150, was laid before the Board by the Surveyor, and it was resolved that consideration of the same be deferred for the present. The Surveyor recommended that a number of so ventilators be provided, and it was resolved that six be first obtained, and placed at the points to be fixed by Messrs. Ridley, and Rutherford, and that further consideration of the matter be deferred until the results are ascertained. The subject of the Westdyke Road and the road leading to the beach from West Terrace, was again under consideration, and correspondence between the Clerk and Mr. Semple (on behalf of the North-Eastern Railway Company) having been read it was resolved that the Clerk), write again to Mr. Semple, with reference to the part of the roared leading from West Terrace to the beach, and contract relating to the same having never been carried out. Plan of alterations in the footpath and roadway near the Lobster Hotel, passed at the last meeting, was ordered to be rescinded. Plan of alterations ins for shop front at 26, Newcomen Street, for Mr. C. Boagey, approved. Plan of to dwelling houses, intended to be built in High Street, for Mr. T. Jowsey, rejected. Plan of a wood workshop, for Mr. W. C. Yeo, to be erected at the back of Queen Street, approved. Ordered, that a footpath be laid in Teresa Terrace, on land belonging to Mr. Newcomen, he having agreed to give the land necessary for the purpose. The Rate Collector reported that there had been £150.1s.10d. collected during the past month on account of general district rate, leaving £384.3s.2d. still outstanding. Checks were ordered for payment of a number of accounts, after which the meeting closed.
Lol Hansom July 14, 2015 Kirkleatham - Local Board