1878 04 12 Kirkleatham Local Board of Health Meeting
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 12/04/1878.
The monthly meeting of the Local Board OF Health for the district of Kirkleatham was held on Friday afternoon last (05/04), at the Surveyor’s office, Nelson Terrace, Coatham. Present: Mr. A. H. T. Newcomen (chairman), Messrs. Hikeley, Nelson, Frail old, Rutherford, and Wallis; Watson (deputy clerk), and Burton (rate collector).
Minutes having been read and confirmed, the subject of the roared leading from West Terrace to the sea again came under consideration, and the Clerk was requested to write to the Railway Company, calling on them to complete the same in accordance with the terms of agreement with the vestry. Letter from Mr. Coulson complaining of the state of West Dyke Road having been read, the Surveyor was ordered to report thereon. Letter was read from the Clerk to the Guisborough Rural Sanitary Authority, stating that their present appointment of medical officer would terminate on 1 July next, and asking if the Board would be willing to join with the Authority in the next appointment of such officer. The members present expressed themselves against the proposal, and it was understood that the offer would be declined. Notices were ordered to be served on several owners of property concerning street improvements. The Surveyor was instructed to have additional lamps fixed in various streets as soon as the same are in a condition to be taken over by the Board. The Rate Collector was ordered to take proceedings against several persons for arrears of rates. The Medical Officer reported that Scarlatina had been prevalent during the past month, also chickenpox and bronchial infections, but that the district generally was pretty healthy. The Surveyor was ordered to prepare and estimate of the amount of money required for the next half year, and submit the same to the next meeting. Plan admitted by Mr. Thos. Bradley for two houses in High Street, approved. Plan of dog kennels in the Marshes at Warrenby, for Mr. Morrison, approved. Plan of alterations in a house in Newcomen Terrace, West, for Mr. Jewson, rejected. Plan of alterations to the shop window, in York Terrace, for Mr. Joseph Husband, approved. Plan of slaughterhouse and stable, to be erected in a field on the South side of the railway by Mr George. Thos, Bradley, approved. Plan of proposed drainage for two houses near West Dyke Road, submitted by Mr. R. Moore, approved
Lol Hansom December 13, 2015 Kirkleatham - Local Board