1878 05 10 Redcar Local Board Health Meeting
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 10/05/1878.
The monthly meeting of this Board was held on Monday afternoon (06/05), at the Board-room, West Terrace. Mr. J. H. Webster, occupied the chair, and other members present being Messrs. Coulson, Duff, Harrison, Lee, and Patterson; with Messrs. Bookless (surveyor) and Nicholson (deputy clerk). Minutes having been read and confirmed, the Surveyor reported with reference to the breakage in the water pipes at Throstle Nest farm, caused by the subsidence of the land through the mining operations of Messrs. Pease, that it had been found necessary to lay down 420 yards of new pipes, to avoid the contingency of the town’s water supply being suddenly stopped. Plan of section of new line of pipes accompanied the report, and the Surveyor was ordered to proceed with the work and get it completed as soon as possible. Plan of alterations at the back of Clarendon House, for the Rev. H. Smith, was approved. Letter from Messrs. Picknett and Wynn, asking that the flagging in front of the Free Gardeners’ reading room might be completed, was referred to the Highways’ Committee. Mr. Duff called attention to the dusty state of the streets, which he said, must prove a source of serious loss to the tradesmen of the town, and gave notice that he should at the next meeting formally bring the subject before the Board. The Clerk was ordered to prepare estimates of special and general district rates, and lay the same before the next meeting.
Lol Hansom January 26, 2016 Redcar - Local Board