1878 06 07 – Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting

Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 07/06/1878


            The ordinary monthly meeting of this Board was held on Monday afternoon (03/06), at the Board-room, West Terrace, Redcar. In the absence of the Chairman, Mr. M. Crabtree presided, the other members being Messrs. Blatherwick, Coulson, Harrison, Patterson, and Wren; with Mr. R. Nicholson (deputy clerk), and Mr. D. D. Bookless (surveyor) Minutes having been read and confirmed, estimates of special and general district rates, the former of 8d. and the latter of 2s. in the £ were ordered to be signed and sealed. With reference to the application of Messrs. Picknett and Wynn for the Board to flag the footpath in King Street, adjoining the Free Gardeners Reading-room, the Highways Committee reported that they had examined the place, and found that the curbing and channeling had been executed; and they were of opinion that the flagging ought not to be done at the expense of the town. This was confirmed by the Board, and the Surveyor was ordered to reply to the application in accordance with the minute of the Highways Committee. The Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Whitaker requesting immediate payment of the amount owing by him, for manure. The Medical Officer (Dr. Bennett) reported that the sanitary state of the town was good. An application from Mr. G. Wright for water to be supplied to the above 1 1/2 acres of land near the Gas Works, intended to be laid out in garden sites, was granted subject to conditions; the charge to be 2s.6d. per site, and the occupiers to lay the necessary pipes. Accounts to the amount of about £111 having been ordered for payment, the meeting closed.


Lol Hansom December 1, 2016 Doctors & Health, Redcar, Redcar - Local Board