2011 | 03/01/2011. Fatal Road accident on Redcar Lane following a cyclist being in collision with a taxi. The cyclist later died in hospital. |
2011 | 11/01/2011 Racecourse subway to Redcar Lane reported to be 10 feet under water due to heavy rain. Believe fault with pumping system. |
2011 | 17/01/2011. Assurances given by Northumbrian Water that the four Redcar sea water bathing areas plus one at Marske would still be classified as good, and sewage storage systems for standards to remain high. |
2011 | 18/01/2011. Sea Cadets, Army Cadets and Air Training Corps raised £4,190.63p helping to break Poppy Week (2010) the record set last year. last year £21,760. This Year £21,934. |
2011 | 19/01/2011. Cleveland Police, Redcar reported fourth year of success for ‘Operation Scrooge’ 2010, a campaign to reduce the number of shoplifting, purse theft and car related crimes. |
2011 | 20/01/2011. Reported that the Thai firm interested in the Redcar Steel Works wishes to start up September 2011. |
2011 | 20/11/2011. Redcar area being subjected to foul smells being emitted by the firm ENSUS site, Wilton. |
2011 | 25/11/2011. Redcar Police made arrests in division, Redcar, Dormanstow, Grangetown for offenders known or suspected of thefe, especially mateals, cables and shoplifting. |
2011 | 02/02/2011. Cleveland Police swooped in dawn raids on property and addresses on the Lakes Estate in Cleveland Police’s Operation Tornado. Drugs. Illegal drugs were discovered, and two men arrested. |
2011 | 03/02/2011. Outboard Honda, four stroke, 10 Hp motor stolen from a privately owned boat over weekend. Chrome coloured. |
2011 | 03/12/2011. 160 motorcyclists (Boundary 500) arrived in Redcar on their 500th annual charity fundraising event for Zoe’s Place and the Great North Air ambulance. |
2011 | 05/12/2011. Reported that the Kirkleatham Industrial Estate Royal Mail Postal Sorting Office would be remaining open. |
2011 | 07/02/2011. Gales 70mph across (Redcar) Teeside inconvenienced transport and other services. |
2011 | 11/02/2011. RNLI lifeboats from Redcar and Hartlepool called out following a crew member falling from ship. Holding onto the anchor chain of the vessel for suppor,t he was rescued from the sea by a pilot boat and taken to South Gare. |
2011 | 12/02/2011. Hugh changes are about to begin designed to combat coastal flooding along Redcar Sea front with new sea wall. |
2011 | 12/02/2011. Confirmation of a death of Redcar man from Legionnaires disease. re admitted to hospital after treatment for the bug, and later died. Records show that Legionnaire cases recorded on Teesside have been 2008 (5) 2009 (1) 2010 (6). Three of 2010 cases were in Redcar. |
2011 | 15/02/2011. £37 million pound hosp ital in Redcar still failing to offer patients full range of services 1 year after being built. |
2011 | 15/02/2011. Redcar M.P. Ian Swales told House of Commons that they must get tougher on knife crime. |
2011 | 17/02/2011. Two new arrivals of Meerkat’s at Kirkleatham Owl Centre eight weeks old. |
2011 | 17/02/2011. £31 million Leisure Centre consisting of Swimming Pool, library, fitness centre and offices given go-ahead. |
2011 | 18/02/2011. Crackdown on alleged burglars was carried out in Redcar and Dormanstown and East Cleveland, in raids across the area. |
2011 | 19/02/2011. A barrel of Redscar Rocks beer tasted by M.P’s in the House of Commons brewed by Chris and Lindsey Appleby, of the Cleveland Hotel, Redcar.2011 |
2011 | 19/02/2011. People of Redcar and surrounding area celebrated “Keeping The Flame Alive, with a celebration in Redcar. |
2011 | 24/02/2011. Long awaited steel deal signed with SSI £320 million pound take over of the Redcar Works. |
2011 | 24/11/2011. Six small new business ventures start up in a Redcar High Street shop. local business resources saw that the shop was fitted out at a cost of only £820. |
2011 | 28/02/2011. Redcar worker(s) trapped in uprising in Libya. Found way out home via Tripoli. |
2011 | 01/03/2011. Deputy Prime Minister states that there would be no ‘blank cheques’ to support SSI proposals for the use of the Corus Steelworks. |
2011 | 02/03/2011. Redcar and Cleveland Council slashed budget by £15.2 million. 300 posts in council to go. |
2011 | 12/03/2011. Zetland Primary School school children began looking after beds and flower tubs in High Street, working in conjunction with the Redcar in Bloom group and the council for inaugural entry into Northumbria in Bloom Competition. |
2011 | 13/03/2011. Archbishop of York led a thanksgiving service at Christ Church, Redcar, which marked the 150th anniversary of Steel making in the area. |
2011 | 14/03/2011 As a result of the forthcoming local elections, the proposed new plans for a new tower along the Esplanade could be dropped, should the present ruling party lose office. |
2011 | 14/03/2011. Fish and chip owner, staff and customers escaped injury when an unlicensed car driver drove into wall of premises Park Avenue. Just some distance away from the collision were the gas pipes into the premises, and the shop was open. |
2011 | 18/03/2011. Plans to scrap the building of a new Tower on the promenade would cost £1.1million if they went ahead. |
2011 | 25/03/2011. High expectations for the workforce of Teesside when Win Viriyaprapaikit, the president of SSI, was handed the key to the Redcar Blast Furnace, marking the completion of the deal to buy the site from Tata. SSI flags now being flown at the site |
2011 | 25/03/2011. Redcar golden sands now flies the Environmental Agency flag passing water quality test of the sea from the beach |
2011 | 25/03/2011. Middlesbrough man rescued from sea when kayak capsized, and he fell out into sea off Redcar. Managed to cling on to kayak, seen by Coast watch who alerted Redcar RNLI. Lost his paddle, fishing rod, and two fish he had caught. |
2011 | 25/03/2011. Two men appeared in court charged with the kidnap and murder of a 45 year old Redcar man. The deceased was on Saturday 19/03/2011, bundled into a van and beaten. He died from his injuries two days later. |
2011 | 26/03/2011. Cleveland Police launch ‘Operation Marley’ in Redcar Town Centre, covering thefts from people, as the elderly and vulnerable targeted 2011. |
2011 | 05/04/2011. Redcar RNLI were presented with cheque for £1,000 by the local Round Tabler’s. |
2011 | 07/04/2011. Appeal to have Old Redcar Library listed after decision to demolish the site. |
2011 | 07/04/2011. Redcar residents start campaigning for a Post Office to be located in Roseberry Square Shopping area. |
2011 | 13/04/2011. Tom Cave 10 years Campaigning on knife crime issues invited to London to pick up a Children’s Champion Award from the Prime Minister. |
2011 | 13/04/2011. Extra Police patrols on Dormanstown Estates for people causing a disturbance, and also the mis-use of off-road biking. |
2011 | 15/04/2011. Cleveland Police scooped national award for title Force of the Year. |
2011 | 17/04/2011. Man 38 years rescued by Redcar Lifeboat, trying to row a toy inflatable from Redcar to Saltburn, 1/2 mile from shore. Picked up and suffering from mild hypothermia. |
2011 | 20/11/2011. Three people saved by Redcar Lifeboat from base of cliffs at Saltburn. Cut off by tide. |
2011 | 21/04/2011. Redcar Greenwood’s Gent’s Outfitters received bumper order to supply 176, suits, shirts and shoes in 14 days to the Gurkha’s Unit, Catterick Camp |
2011 | 23/04/2011. Two men rescued by Redcar Lifeboat as the kayaks they were sailing began to drift out to sea. |
2011 | 28/04/2011. Cleveland Constabulary to axe 161 of Teesside’s most experienced officers, because of cost cutting measures. |
2011 | 29/04/2011. Redcar man Gary Lennon, who ran into the sea to save and elderly man September 2010 to receive commendation from the Royal Humane Society after being recommended for the award by Cleveland Police |
2011 | 29/04/2011. Royal Wedding Day – Wedding of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Catherine Middleton took place on 29 April 2011 at WestminsterAbbey. |
2011 | 29/04/2011. Redcar couple Ken and Joan Cooper celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary (today) |
2011 | 30/04/2011. Redcar’s blue clock broken for the last month due to satellite controlled mechanism being broken. Original installer of system no longer in business. |
2011 | 12/05/2011. First cast block of Redcar Sea Defence swung into place, following the installation of 900 steel piles into the sand. A further 999 interlocking blocks are to be installed in order to build new defences against the sea. |
2011 | 31/05/2011. Thirty foot sperm whale came ashore at Redcar (The Stray) but unfortunately despite all service being involved died on the beach. Hundreds of people visited the scene |
2011 | 31/05/2011. Seaside festivities for children organised in Redcar High Street, by Redcar & Cleveland BC during the wee.k. Thousands of people attended the event. |
2011 | 01/06/2011. Redcar & Cleveland redundancy bill of £6.5m paid out since local authorities began cutting costs. |
2011 | 01/06/2011. Redcar Chinese Takeaway, ‘Yummy Yummy’ West Dyke Road, closed by Health Authority. |
2011 | 02/05/2011. Father and daughter died in tragic fire Hawthorn Road, Redcar. Another daughter seriously ill with mother at bedside. |
2011 | 05/05/2011. Local elections for Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council held. |
2011 | 06/05/2011. Redcar hosted a three day EDF energies Renew-ables Kite Festival festival at Coatham with over 100 entries for sea and land competitors |
201 | 07/05/2011. Man hunted after attacked outside Standard Pub, Redcar. Victim suffered broken jaw in the fracas that followed. |
2011 | 10/05/2011. Norman Evans MBE, again donates £1,200 to local charities, raising the money with his accordion in Morrison’s (out of the inclement weather) |
2011 | 13/05/2011. Ensus the plant causing the odour plaguing residents as shut down until markets pick-up. |
2011 | 26/05/2011. RNLI gold award for his dedicated being recognised being the deputy launching authority for Redcar Lifeboat. Presented by Duke of Kent |
2011 | 04/06/2011. Redcar drugs gang of five sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. |
2011 | 04/06/2011. James Hobley, a dancer, 11 years of Redcar became runner-up in final of T.V’s ‘ Got Talent Show. |
2011 | 10/06/2011. Last minute attempts to prevent the new planned leisure centre going ahead in Redcar failed following the English Heritage appeal to keep the library failed. |
2011 | 11/06/2011. Performance and Media Arts Centre facility for younger children costing £4.9m work to start early July 2011. |
2011 | 11/06/2011. Beessie Brownlie deceased,aged 104, Redcar, ashes were brought back to Redcar by daughter Rona, to be interred with her mother, and also her late husband well known Doctor Brownlie. Both lived most of their lives in Redcar. |
2011 | 12/06/2011. Redcar Half Marathon took place.x |
2011 | 13/06/2011. Grandfather and his two grandsons appear in Teesside Crown Court charged with murder and kidnap of a Redcar father. |
2011 | 14/06/2011. 60 year old windsurfer struggled to get back to shore at Coatham Bay. Redcar Lifeboat launched, and rescued man taking him back to beach. |
2011 | 15/06/2011. Redcar targeted by Police following a spate of purse thefts and shoplifting from town centre and supermarkets. |
2011 | 20/06/2011. Patients in Redcar Primary Care Hospital have bought for them by The Friends of the Stead a Television and Nintendo Wii games system for patients. Occupational therapists and physiotherapists state that they improve patients particular movements especially co-ordination. |
2011 | 21/06/2011. A grant of £200,000 from English Heritage to RCBC has enables work to be carried out on the KIrkleatham Stable Block, Kirkleatham Hall. |
2011 | 23/06/2011. Duke of York(Prince Andrew, visited the Thai firm SSI who will commence producing steel from the old Redcar furnace next month. |
2011 | 24/06/2011. Missing kayak-er saved from drowning clinging to his vessel by the Redcar Lifeboats. Kayak-er in sea water for 45 minutes and was suffering from signs of severe hypothermia. Taken to James Cook Hospital. (See 14/062011 re windsurfer – same person) |
2011 | 27/06/2011. Two men rescued from pleasure boat off Huntcliff when their boat struck something in the water and sank. Men in water for 90 minutes by use of 1 life jacket between them. Picked up in a passing fishing boat, Staithes and Redcar Lifeboat at the scene. |
2011 | 12/07/2011. Man charged with Murder following fire and death of Terrence McGlade, Pennine Crescent, Redcar. |
2011 | 13/07/2011. Three 14 year old teenagers arrested following a break-in at a church in Mallard Court, Dormanstown. |
2011 | 14/07/2011 Stockton Arms raised £04 towards a plaque for the “Birger” anchor on the promenade. |
2011 | 14/07/2011. Dormanstown Primary School celebrated its 85th birthday with release of 400 balloons and other events. |
2011 | 15/07/2011. James Hobay, Redcar, (Dancer) 6th on Britains’ got talent invited to civic reception with Mayor, before taking up scholarship worth £100,000 at The Hammond, a dance school in Chester. |
2011 | 17/07/2011. Redcar Races held meeting Help for Heroes family fun day. |
2011 | 20/07/2011. Competition opened as to the name to call the Tower on the sea front when built. |
2011 | 20/07/2011. Work commenced the the demolition of the old Palace Theatre on the promenade to be replaced by The Hub |
2011 | 22/07/2011. Cabin Cruiser ran aground in wind. Redcar RNLI secured vessel from going on rocks. Eventually taken in tow safely. No persons injured. |
2011 | 23/07/2011. Redcar Charity Shops state that donations of items is 30% down on stock being donated. |
2011 | 25/07/2011. The Standard Public House, West Dyke Road, Redcar has its licence suspended for 1 month following breaches of the licence. |
2011 | 27/07/2011. SSI began recruitment drive of 1,000 steel jobs at the former Corus, Redcar. |
2011 | 31/07/2011. 11am to 11pm Redcar Rocks, with 12 rock bands, and 12 comedians, at a new festival of music 2 large tents, at the Redcar Rugby Club, Mackinlay Park with an opportunity to camp overnight. |
2011 | 01/08/2011. Drug overdoses in Redcar twice more than the national average. Worst in the North East. |
2011 | 06/082011. Friends of Redcar Cemetery are to carry out renovation to the Boer War Memorial. |
2011 | 10/08/2011. Lifeboat launched when kite surfer got into difficulties off Redcar. Surfer managed to swim half-mile to shore before RNLI arrived. Lifeboat recovered kite. |
2011 | 11/08/2011. Two well known circuses visited the town during this month – Jolly’s Circus and Circus of the Orient. |
2011 | 20/08/2011. Redcar Cemetery gets a new look to its Children’s Cemetery after £3,500 makeover. |
2011 | 30/08/2011. Three pupils of Redcar’s Sacred Heart School come out top in Tata’s competition for a sculpture for their Skinningrove Works. The sculpture was of a spectacular robot, with earth moving equipment for its hands and feet. |
2011 | 01/09/2011. Geoff Waterfield the person who led the campaign to bring back steel making to the Redcar Plant, tragically died in the early hours. He was also the Chairman of the multi-union works committee. |
2011 | 06/09/2011. The Archbishop of York paid tribute to the Union Leader Geoff Waterfield who spearheaded the campaign to save steel making in Redcar. |
2011 | 07/09/2011. Redcar Lifeboat crew scattered poppies out at sea as a memorial to all the Merchant Navy Sailors who have perished at sea. |
2011 | 08/09/2011. Pledges flood in to the Redcar Pier Association, following their efforts to get Redcar an original Pier. |
2011 | 10/09/2011. Man hospitalised with head injuries in Langthwaite walk, Redcar. (10/09) Two men aged 29 years later charged with offences. |
2011 | 12/09/2011. Battle of Britain in the sky memorial service and wreath laying was held at the cenotaph at Redcar |
2011 | 26/09/2011. Zetland Park and Corus Ladies and Men’s Bowling Club stated that the rinks may be closed following possible council funding not being provided. |
2011 | 28/09/2011. Friends of Zetland Park renovated play area (fitness equipment) opened by Mayoress Cllr. Olwyn Peters. |
2011 | 30/09/2011. Man’s body found in car in Majuba Car Park. Police stated not treating death suspicious. |
2011 | 30/09/2011. Further 80 job cuts expected withing the Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council. |
2011 | 03/09/2011. Redcar Lifeboat launched on six occasions during 24 hours, during autumn (summer) warm weather period |
2011 | 04/10/2011, R&C B.C.reported to have no plans to take up the offer of a cash incentive from the Government for a return to weekly bin collections. |
2011 | 04/10/2011. News that Tata steel to invest £1.5 million into Teesside Beam Mill. |
2011 | 10/10/2011. The Friends of Redcar Cemetery were given an ‘outstanding’ rating in the Northumbria in Bloom ceremony in Durham for the Royal Horticultural Society’s It’s Your Neighbourhood campaign. |
2011 | 11/10/2011. Redcar & Cleveland B.C. set to make a further £8million cuts during the present financial position. |
2011 | 11/10/2011. H.R.H. Duke of Gloucester officially opened the Higher Education and Conference Centre at Redcar and Cleveland College. The building was developed in partnership with The William Turners Trust Foundation and Teesside University. |
2011 | 17/10/2011. Ex- Olympic Triple World Champion Jumper digs into land to start the building of the new £31m Leisure Complex.,also visited Ryehills School and gave presentation about London 2012 Olympic Games. |
2011 | 24/10/2011. R&C.B.C. stated that they had recovered £3.5 million pounds from the Icelandic Banks when the assets were frozen in October 2008. |
2011 | 24/11/2011. H.R.H. Price Charles visited Redcar Memorial Hall and also the Redcar Blast Furnace Site and work force. |
2011 | 25/10/2011. Strong winds and 10 feet high waves when angler swept of the South Gare Breakwater. Rescued but later died in hospital. |
2011 | 20/20/2011. R&C. B.C. excluded press and public from Council Cabinet Meeting to discuss in private a list of properties and sites that could be sold off. |
2011 | 01/11/2011. RNLI Redcar produce their own Christmas Cards to the public.available when Lifeboat station open. |
2011 | 01/11/2011. SSI secure £1.6m towards training following its purchase and take-over. |
2011 | 12/11/2011. Two Liberal Democrat Councillors of Redcar and Cleveland B.C. stepped down from Redcar’s Zetland Ward following a question mark over their eligibility to represent the ward following the May 2011 elections. |
2011 | 03/11/2011. Decision made not to have fireworks display on The Stray, due to financial cut backs. |
2011 | 13/11/2011. REMEMBERANCE SUNDAY Remembrance Services at cenotaphs held throughout Redcar area. |
2011 | 14/12/2011. Redcar CBC raise council tax by 3.5% |
2011 | 14/11/2011. New bus service linking Redcar with East Cleveland villages proves a success during the first week of operation. |
2011 | 14/12/2011. Redcar Rotary Club provided RNLI Lifeboat Station with weather instruments which give state of the weather wind speed/direction etc.This gives RNLI information which boat is most suitable. |
2011 | 21/11/2011. Cleveland Police (Redcar) post Christmas Cards through letter boxes urging well known offenders (shoplifters) not to commit crime over the festive season. |
2011 | 25/11/2011. Cleveland Police raided houses across Redcar Dormanstown etc, targeting people suspected of being involved in theft of metals, cables and shoplifting. |
2011 | 26/11/2011. Coronation Street actor Ryan Thomas switched on Redcar town centre lights. |
2011 | 29/11/2011. Reported that the steelworks and South Gare were to be used for the making the site of another Road movie thiller to be called The Liability. |
2011 | 01/12/2011. Malcolm Harland 50 years to serve 18 years in prison for murder of another man in Redcar. |
2011 | 02/12/2011. Cleveland Police stop checks revealed that a boy 7 years and boy 8 years were stopped in the Redcar area in October this year. |
2011 | 07/12/2011. Greek Resturant, Chilli’s Redcar Hight Street fined £3,788.75 after comittiing 4 offences Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 |
2011 | 09/12/2011. Two years after admitting its first patient Redcar’s Primary Care Hospital was opened by a TV Secret Millionaire David Jamilly. |
2011 | 13/12/2011. Schoolchildren from 4 different areas adopting a park in their own area. Children from John Emmerson Batty, planted bulbs in the Lily Park |
2011 | 15/12/2011. Operation Scrooge operated in previous years started by numerous raids over the last 14 days for thieves and shoplifters. |
2011 | 16/12/2011. St Bede’s School in Redcar named among the top 200 schools in the country. |
2011 | 17/12/2011. Students of Redcar Community College planted over 40 apple trees in their college grounds, thanks to a donation towards the scheme by a TV Secret Millionaire of £25,000 (Sid’s Place by the pupils of the school) |
2011 | 19/12/2011. Redcar’s newest supermarket Asda gave Redcar’s oldest school Zetland 60 high visibility jackets, for children safety purposes. |
2011 | 20/12/2011. Charlotte Wood of Redcar named as one of the best new fashion designers in the United Kingdom, after being praised highly in the final of the Clothes Show Young Designer of the Year, NEC Birmingham |
2011 | 23/12/2011. Redcar’s Fire and Steel Festival to be held 08/02/2012 not not to be held because of cutbacks. |
2011 | 26/12/2011. The regular Boxing Day Dip took place on Redcar Beach with hundreds of participants willing to take the dip in the sea for their charities, dressed in all sorts of clothing and swimwear. Possibly the largest attendance ever |
2011 | 26/12/2011. Redcar Rugby Club held a Boxing Day Rugby Match in memory of Geoff Waterfield. The club had a special trophy made for the occasion called the Ed Trophy (Ed’s nickname used as a member of the Rugby Club) |
2011 | 29/12/2011 Secret Millionaire David Jamilly, returned to the Redcar to open the newly refurbished Sid’s Place, Redcar Community College, he helped finance 2011. |
dean January 12, 2011 Uncategorized