MEETINGS (other places) – Cleveland Fox Hounds Hunt @ Redcar

Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 01/03/1878


            Redcar appeared quite lively on Monday morning (25/02), on the occasion of the annual visit of the Cleveland Foxhounds. The rendezvous was the Red Lion Hotel, and after refreshments – which were liberally supplied by Mr. G. M. Clay, the landlord – had been handed round the company proceeded to a cover on Mrs. Bennison’s farm, which was drawn Blank, then to Meggitt’s Lane, where the hounds roused a fox, but the chase had no sooner begun than it ended, for reynard  immediately took refuge in a drain. They then went to covers in West Coatham, and Lackenby, which were both drawn blank, and finally to high Wilton wood, where a fox was found, and a sharp run was made, but after dodging about for half an hour, he managed to get off. The day had by this time, become far advanced, and the hounds were taken home.


Lol Hansom July 14, 2015 Cleveland, Events, Meetings Other Places