FREEMASONS – Foundation Stone for Lodge, Redcar.
Accreditation the Middlesbrough Gazette 05/09/1870.
This afternoon (05/09), at Redcar, the Most Worshipful the Earl of Zetland, K.T., Past Grand Master of England, and Provincial Grant Master of the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire, laid the foundation stone of a Freemasons’ Hall. The extraordinary increase of the trade of Cleveland and South Durham has been accompanied by a great extension of the brotherhood of “The Mystic Tie,” whose need of suitable accommodation is now in a fair way of being met. The Freemasons’ Hall at Middlesbrough, was opened about eight years ago; another hall of large dimensions is just on the point of compilation at Stockton, and we now have Redcar, with the recently established “Marwood Lodge,” extending its borders in right good earnest, and setting about the direction of a place which will not only afford every necessary convenience, but also be a handsome addition to the buildings of Redcar and Coatham. The building is to be situate on the north side of Redcar High Street, between Albert Place and Dundas Street, and immediately opposite to Dundas Place. The front will have a commanding elevation, in the Italian style of architecture, and the entrance to the Hall will be in its centre. Contiguous to the entrance hall, access will be given to rooms and the lavatories, and to a large spacious Tyler’s room, through which will be the entrance to the masonic hall, 40′ x 20′, and about 20 feet in height to the ceiling. Brother C. J. Adams, S.W. of the lodge, F.R.I.B.A., is the architect; Brother. Wm. Nelson, P. M., Is the builder, and it is expected the whole will be completed in four months. Before proceeding to describe the ceremonial of this afternoon, it may not be out of place to give a brief account of the history and constitution of freemasonry, con dentist from works of standard authority on the subject. It is scarcely necessary to say that societies of free and accepted masons exist in all parts of the civilised world, and that the members are of every religion and condition of life. Before initiation every candidate comes under a solemn engagement never to divulge the mysteries of the order, nor to make known the secrets with which he may be entrusted. After the candidate has passed the necessary ceremonies and instructions, words and signs are imparted to enable him to distinguish his brethren from the uninitiated, and to prove that he is entitled to the privileges of a brother should he be in want or distress in a foreign land. That the benefits are substantial and freely given is a matter of history. At lodge meetings all distinctions of rank are laid aside, all differences in religious and political matters forgotten, peace and harmony prevail, and everyone seems to recollect that all are sprung from one common origin and have one common end. Masonry. This founded on “the practice of social and moral virtue; its character is charity in the most extended sense, and “brotherly love, relief, and truth,” are inculcated in it. Much has being written for and against freemasonry. Some contend that it’s origin dates from the creation, others carry it back to the building of the Tower of Babel; while others are content with the belief that it originated at the building of Solomon’s Temple, and that the institution has been continued through all changes of Government and religion, down to the present day. These this as it may, there is no doubt that desire for magnificent churches and monasteries by the Roman Catholic priests, led to great encouragement being given to the artificers of such works. The pontiffs of Rome and although potentates, deferred special privileges upon the fraternity of masons, and allow them to be governed by laws, customs, and ceremonies, particular to themselves; men of all nations word denominated Freemasons, and ranging from one country to another, erected those elegant churches and cathedrals which still excite admiration; the members lived in a camp of hopes reared beside the building which they were employed in erecting; a severe or master directed the whole, and every tenth man was called a warden, and had the oversight of the other nine. The most ancient known launch of Freemasons in England is that of York, founded in 926, on to the patronage of Edwin, brother of King Athelstan, who obtained a charter for it from the King, and was himself appointed grand master. The constitution of this lodge, which is still preserved in York, gives a history of Masonry from the most ancient times, beginning with Adam, comp rising quotations from some rabbinical tales representing the building of the Tower of Babel and the Temple of Solomon. It passes over to the Greeks and the Romans to St. Albanus, an honourable Roman knight, who patronised the art about A. D. 300, will procure them a charter from the Emperor Carausuis to form a society in Britain, under the government of architects. The devastation of the country and the destruction of the edifices is related, and how Athelstan resolved to restore the ancient society. By his character, all the masons in the kingdom assembled, and they established a grand lodge, under the patronage of which the fraternity, said really increased, the Kilwinning Lodge was established in Scotland, and then lodges were established in various parts of the country. Masonry then flourished in the country for several centuries after it had ceased on the Continent, where the Church came to regard it with suspicion, as having a power and influence which might be turned against itself. An Act against the Order was passed in this country in the reign of Henry III., but never enforced; the King patronised it with his presence and noblemen, princes, and gentleman were to be found as “accepted Masons.” Henry VIII., Cardinal Wolsey, Ingo Jones, and Sir Christopher Wren, are among those who filled the office of Grand Master. The safety after wards decreased in numbers and influence until, in 1717, an entire change was effected in its constitutions. Whilst retaining the names and customs of the old fraternity, the society ceased to be connected with building, and only cultivated brotherly love and mutual aid. In that year the first grand lodge was held in London, with power to grant charters for the holding of other lodges. Since that time the Order has flourished, until at the present time there were about 1300 lodges in this country. It is possessed of great wealth, contributes several thousand pounds annually for philanthropic purposes, besides supporting a masonic girl’s school, a masonic boy’s school, each established in the last century, a benevolent fund for ancient masons, a Widows fund, &c., &c. There are over 600 lodges in Scotland, and numerous others after the English system, in France, Germany, America, and in fact, in all parts of the world. The officiating master of today only retired from the high and honourable position of Grant Master the a few months ago, after holding the office for a quarter of a century. Amongst those present at the ceremonial were — J. Dodds. W. J. Watson, J. Spicer, W. Best, A. D. Knowles, Joseph Walton, J. Hunton, J. Settle, J. F. Mann, of Stockton; M. G. Collingwood, J. Trotter, D. Bennett, J. Spence, J. Bowron, M. Cadle, Rev. V. H. Moyle, W. Nelson, H. Watson, W. Robinson, Guisborough; T. Hall, Darlington; J. G. Thompson, W. Kirby, N. Johnson, Redcar; J. Ingram, Dr. Blackett, W. M., Durham; H. E. Efferman, J. D.; H. Warwick, J. G.; J. Sewell, J.W.; G. R. Bulman, S. W., &c., &c. We are unable to give a complete list of the company. The lodge was opened in the first degree at two o’clock, when the procession of the Brethren improper craft clothing and jewels, was formed according to the following order. :-
Union Jack borne by an Operative Mason.
Two Operative Masons.
Steward (Sons of Freemasons) Steward.
(Tyler with Sword).
Brethren of Lodges in the Province, according to
seniority of numbers, juniors, going first.
The Banner of the North York launch.
Brethren of the Marwood Lodge, No. 1244.
Builder with the Plate bearing the Inscription.
Architect with Plans.
(Cornucopia with corn, borne by a Past Master.)
Steward (Ewer with wine, borne by a Past Master.)
(Ewer with oil, borne by Past Master.)
Secretary with book Constitutions Cushion.
Treasurer with a Phial containing Co?rs to be
deposited in the Stone.
Past Masters of Lodges (two abreast.)
The Corinthian Light, borne by a Master Mason.
The Column of the Junior Warden, borne by a Master Mason.
J Warden with the Plumb-rule.
The Doric Light, borne by a Master Mason.
The Column of the Senior Warden, borne by a Master Mason.
Senior Warden with the Level.
Junior Deacon.
(Chaplain bearing the Sacred Law).
Steward (on a Cushion) Steward.
(The Isoic Light, borne by a Past Master).
The Trowel, borne by Bro. Joseph Dodds, M. P., P. M.,
P. P.S. G. W.
The Mallet, borne by Bro. John Gee Thompson, P.M.
(Bro. Harrison Groves, Worship.
Steward (Master of the Marwood Lodge,) Steward.
(with the Square)
Senior Deacon.
Officers of the Provincial Ground Lodges, past and present,
in Provincial Costume, according to rank.
R. W. Bro. Bell. D.P.G.M.
R. W. Bro. Marwood. P.D.P.G.M.
Most Worshipful the Earl Zetland, K.T., Past Grand Master of England, P.G.M. N. & E.
Two Stewards.
Inner Guard.
It is proceeding down West Terrace, along the sea wall, up Bath Street, and down High Street, to the site the Brethren opened out right and left and faced inwards, enabling the inner guard to head a procession from the rear. The officiating master having taken up his players on the platform, the upper part of the storm was raced to Solomon music, and the chaplain repeated a prayer. The treasurer next deposited within a cavity of the storm a phial containing of the Redcar and Saltburn News, Redcar and Saltburn Visitor, Redcar Gazette. The various coins of the realm, plans and elevation of the building, and a scroll containing a record of the ceremony. The Joseph Dodds, M.P., P.M., P.P.S.G.W., Handed a trowel to the officiating Master, with which he laid the cement on the lower stone, after which the Bush don’t, was slowly lowered, to the strains of Solomon music. Having proved by plumb-rule, level, and square, that the stone was duly laid, the officiating Master gave three knocks on the storm with his mallet, and announced that fact to the spectators. He strewed the stone with corn, as an emblem of plenty, poured oil upon it, as an emblem of peace, and wine as an emblem of gladness, after which the chaplain repeated a prayer. The officiating master next delivered to the builder, the several implements for his use. He also inspected the plans and elevation of the building, and returned them to the architect for his guidance, the band meanwhile, playing “Rule Britannia.” The oration was delivered by the Right Worshipful Bro. John P. Bell, D.P.G.M. The Rev. V. H. Moyle was the officiating chaplain. The band then played the National Anthem, after which the procession free-formed and returned to the Central Hall, where their banquet was held.
Lol Hansom March 15, 2013 Buildings