RAILWAY – Railway Station Accident, Redcar.
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea 03/02/1871
If somewhat serious accident occurred to G. N. Duck, Esq., In the railway station, on Monday morning (30/01). Endeavouring to get into the train while in motion his foot slipped, and one of his legs got between the carriage and the platform. While in that position he was dragged along for some distance before the train could be stopped. He was at once extricated from his perilous position, when it was found that his leg was severely cut, and the upper part of the body much bruised. We regret to learn that the unfortunate gentleman will be confined to his room for some time, as the natures of the wounds in the leg necessitate rest. It is no due to Mr Duck’s extraordinary presence of mind that the injuries he sustained were not of a more severe or even fatal character.
Lol Hansom March 16, 2013 Railway, Trains, Transport