WEATHER – Redcar Winter 1870 – 1871.

Accreditation through the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 02/06/1871

REDCAR – WINTER 1870 – 1871

      The long and exceptionally severe winter of 1870-1 has at length given place to the glad sunshine and genial warmth of spring, we see everywhere signs that summer is at hand, in the country the burst of verdure and foliage and the joyous caroling of birds greet us, and at the seaside the usual evidence is presented of new life after the torpor of winter. The change from winter to summer is one of the most pleasant phases of weather in the proverbial changeful climate of our island, and perhaps nowhere is a change more desired, no one realised, more fully enjoyed than on the north-east coast of Yorkshire after a severe winter like the one just past. From the state of trade in general, and of our own district in particular, we may infer that the prospect of a good season for the Northern watering places is before us. Year by year indeed the number of visitors at the seaside increases, and as the population of our towns becomes denser the influx of visitors may still be expected to be greater. The accommodation for visitors at Redcar, Coatham, and Saltburn-by-the-Sea, has become much more extensive and comfortable within the last few years, during which period modern and handsome houses have been built and continue to be built with especial reference to the wants of the visitors, for proof of these are extensively patronised we need only refer to the crowd with columns of our Visitors’ List in the summer season, more especially during the months of July and August when every available space for visitors is usually occupied. The recent census shows clearly that the Cleveland watering places have increased very considerably during the last 10 years, the youngest of which indeed Saltburn-by-the-Sea has sprung into existence during that period and already numbers more than 1,200 inhabitants, with its magnificent hotels, villas, lodging houses, church, peer, hoist, its elegant bridge spanning the lovely glen, and all the other collateral’s of a modern and fashionable watering place. Nature and art have combines in earnest to render Saltburn one of the loveliest places of seaside resort in England; and the pleasures of Saltburn are not confined to the actual visitors in the place itself, for it is a delightful turnout for the visitors of Redcar and Coatham, and many a pleasant excursion is made their by those who prefer from old association, all other circumstances, to fix their headquarters at pleasant homely Redcar, audits flourishing neighbour Coatham. There are some associations and some advantages which make it a very pleasant and favourite seaside resort: the spacious pay within the rocks is celebrated for its pleasant bathing ground, and the presence of so many pleasure boats makes the sea on the beach in summer one of its chief attractions. At Coatham the beautiful church with its frequent services is an attraction to many who whilst sojourning for health, like the solace of the daily prayers of the English Church which for centuries have cheered and comforted the hearts of multitudes is of her children. There is also an increasing settled population in Coatham arising chiefly from its proximity to Middlesboro’, the wealthier inhabitants of which usually seek residences out of the smoke and the “iron town,” and many evidently prefer the seaside. They rise of Middlesboro’ is something less than 40 years, from a solitary farmhouse to a thriving and densely populated manufacturing town of 40,000 inhabitants, is one of the wonders of the present century, and the rapid development of the iron trade and shipping of the ports Middlesboro’ and Stockton, give promise of a still greater future. The population of Coatham which in 1841 was only 371 is now 1,553; whilst that of Redcar has increased in the same period from 794 to nearly 2,000 the actual figures at the time the census was taken being 1,960, and this occurred during a period when many houses were empty in consequence of the absence of the owners or tenants during the winter season. That the size of the population of these watering places is each destined to increase largely during the next few years is doubted by non-who are acquainted with the condition of the district, it is more than probable that within a few years not only will Coatham be built up and extended westward but Redcar will also enlarge on the east and south where a large of valuable ground will inevitable be utilised for building purposes to meet the wants of those who require seaside residences, and it is quite within the bounds of probability that Redcar and Marske may be united as courtroom and wrecked car already are, and form one United line of buildings along the coast evidencing the wealth and prosperity of the lovely and fertile vale of Cleveland.


Lol Hansom March 16, 2013 Weather & Tides