CHURCH – St Peter’s Church Balance Sheet 1870
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea-Gazette 06/05/1870.
The following is the offertory and expenditure account for the year ending May, 1870.
£ s d
By Balance last year 2.10.07
Visitation fees and expenses 2.03.06
Lighting and warming 10.16.09
Church clock, cleaning and repairing 4.15.00
Plumbing account 4.18.00
Glazing account 12.14.04
Mr Nicholson Tuning Organ 2.10.00
Organist’s Salary 30.00.00
Surplices Washing 13.00
Sick and Poor 22.05.06
Church Cleaning 7.08.00
Infant and Sunday School 5.02.02
Stationary and books for ditto 6.05.10
Wine for Holy Communion 1.12.00
Carpenters’ Work 4.17.11
Clerk and Sexton’s Salary 7.00.00
Organ Blower’s Salary 2.00.00
Mason’s Work 2.10.07
Sundries 2.19.11
To Weekly Offertory £111.17.06
To Earl of Zetland, Poor 2.00.00
To Dudley’s Dole 15.06
To Atherton’s Dole 1.06.08
Balance due to Church Wardens 15.17.00
Special Offerings
By Ministry, 4th Sunday in the Month 47.01.09
By North Ormesby Cottage Hospital 7.00.00
It appears that those figures given do not add up correctly, possibly an error at print?
Lol Hansom July 19, 2013 Churches, Uncategorized