REDCAR – Races A Day out 1867 Style
Accreditation to the Cleveland Standard 26/05/1934.
A Day out at the Races 1867 Style
Redcar Races Long Ago
Redcar Races, today the principle Whitsuntide attraction used to be run on the sands. There was only one small ground stand, erected by an enterprising local joiner, and he, not the organisers collected the “gate” money. For the rest, there was no charge for spectators.
Apparently a stipulation was made that the joiner, in return for the privilege of building a grandstand, should also put up, a free of charge judge’s box and finishing post. Before that time a manure cart or a bathing-box was pressed into service.
There appears to be no record of the races before 1867. A balance sheet for that year however, throws light on a small beginning of the now renowned race meeting. The whole of the receipts, including subscriptions and entry fee – the only other source of income incidentally amounting to little under £81 for the year. The subscriptions were made by seven members of the committee who organised the meeting. The total expenses were nearly £78, amongst separate items being
Mr Prest for the Police, £1.
Bogie (a fisherman), 5shillings.
Assistant Secretary (one year salary), £1.
Printing, £4.9s.0d.
Stationary, 10shillings.1pence.
Postages and refreshments for the committee, £2.12s.0d
Mr. C. Macklin drew up the balance sheet on behalf of Redcar Race Committee.
dean March 1, 2010 Redcar