ACCIDENT – Railway Accident at Redcar

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 12/03/1874


            On Friday afternoon (06/03), another accident occurred on the Darlington section of the North-Eastern railway at Redcar. It appears that a man, named Alfred Finkle, who clicks the numbers of the mineral trains as they pass Redcar, was returning to his work from Middlesbrough, when, in jumping out of the carriage, his coat was caught by the door, and he was partially dragged under the wheel, the result being that his foot was severely crushed, and the lower part of his leg. He was removed to the North Riding Infirmary, Middlesbrough, as speedily as possible, where his leg was amputated the same night, and we are glad to state that he is now progressing favourably.

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 02/041874.

                The young man, Finkle, who sustained severe injuries by having his foot revolver on the railway, near Redcar station, about a fortnight ago, through getting out the train whilst in motion, died in the North Riding Infirmary on Saturday morning


Lol Hansom August 24, 2013 Accidents, Railway