ARMY – Big Gun Competition at Redcar
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 30/07/1874.
The annual shooting for the battalion challenge cup in connection with the 1st N. Y. V. Artillery Corps took place at Redcar on Saturday afternoon (01/08). The cup, with £10 added, for the first prize, and £5 for the second, is competed for by a detachment of ten men appointed from each battery, the cup becoming the property of the winning battery for a year, having to be won three times in succession before it is the absolute property of any battery. Each detachment fired ten shots at a target fired at a distance of 1400 yards, the men changing rounds at each shot. In addition to the detachment prizes, there were fifteen individual prizes, varying from £2 to 10s, for the men who made the best shots. Captain and Adjutant Hardcastle, of the Seaham Corps, officiated as umpire. The shooting on the whole was very good – one man, Sergeant Charles Lynas, carrying away the flag from the top of the target. The result of the competition will not be known for a day or two.
Lol Hansom February 23, 2014 Military & War Years