BEACH – Public Drying Area – Letter
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 15/10/1869.
To the Editor of the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the- Sea.
Sir, Allow me to call the attention of your local authorities to the necessity for providing a public drying ground, to obviate the nuisance of drying linen on the beach. A recent writer in the Times who has visited Redcar and being disappointed rights a most depreciating letter, has the following lines on the subject:- “The Sands are utilised as linen yards and depositories of rubbish that cannot find room elsewhere. This arrangement has, no doubt, it’s advantages to people with large families and troublesome households, but still an ordinary tourist finds the majestic aspect of the German Ocean on this coast a little impaired by having to be looked at through a vista of shirts and sheets.” The rebuke so strikingly administered should surely be considered by your Local Board, who are at last bestirring themselves in matters of improvement. It seems surprising that the matter in question has not forced itself on their attention, here it as being dragged into the columns of the most influential newspaper in England, to the manifest damage and disrepute of Redcar as a watering place. It is obvious that the “Esplanade,” which designation IC has been given in your columns to the recent improvement on the beach, should be kept free on both sides from nuisances affecting either the eye or the nose; for as every year sees Redcar more popular, so every year, will its critics be more exacting, and its friends more desirous that its surroundings should be kept in respectable order and odour. — , Your obedient servant,
Lol Hansom April 5, 2013 Beach