BEACH – Submerged Forrest. Letter
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 22/09/1871.
To the Editor of the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette.
Sir, Thinking it might be interesting to some of your numerous readers to know that a small portion of a submerged Forest may yet be found at Redcar. I send you the following particulars;-for some time I have been trying to find it, but have invariably looked too far inland, for the small portion which yet remains can only be reached at Laurel water when it is spring tide. I found this morning to very small patches, each about 3 feet in diameter, and got some fine hazel nuts, some pieces of wood, two bones, and a molar tooth. The forest lies to the east of Redcar, nearly opposite the flagstaff, which stands on the west end of the battery, and is distant from the latter place about 400 paces, a little north of East, loves showing the present course line to be that distance farther inland than it was at the period of time when trees grew and hazel copes were found so much farther seaward.—Yours truly,
Redcar, Sept, 12, 1871. J.D.
Lol Hansom March 25, 2013 Beach, Editorial, Letters and other.