WEATHER & TIDES – Storm on the North-East Coast
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 03/12/1874
Shipwrecks and Loss of Life
A terrific gale has prevailed moralist during the last few days on the north-east coast. The first indication of the storm was given about 10 o’clock on Saturday night, when the wind suddenly roles and gradually increased in intensity. Numerous shipping disasters occurred on Sunday (29/11).on Monday (30/11) the gale gradually subsided, but came away again towards the evening of the day, accompanied by heavy rain. The night was wild and tempestuous, and the sea was running mountainous high, and washing across the piers. On Tuesday night (01/12) severe frost set in company with blinding showers of snow. Throughout the district at time we write, the ground is covered to a considerable depth and winter appears to have began in earnest. The vessels that arriving in the Tees and Tyne, and the Hartlepools report having experienced fearful whether. There are several vessels yet unaccounted for, and great anxiety is evinced regarding them, the relatives of those on board of them making earnest enquiries of the owners as to there whereabouts. It is about three years since such a violent storm was experienced.
One of the most tremendous girls from the E.S.E. which has visited this coast for years past, broke over the Hartlepool’s about 1 o’clock on Sunday morning. The sea, which had been gradually “rushing” for several hours previously, soon became fearfully heavy, and at daybreak the bay was white with breakers, which dashed heavily against the cliffs, and broke over the pier with mountains of spray. The gale was accompanied by a tremendous rainfall, and the aspect of the course has never been so wild since the great gale of February, 1873. About 3 a.m. the Cox Wayans of the lifeboats of both ports summoned their crews, the boards were launched, and all placed in readiness for any eventualities. Nothing, however, occurred until about 8 o’clock, when a break was seen making for the west harbour, which she entered safely, after a terrible buffeting. An hour later, a smack and just afterwards a billy boy, also entered in safety and nearly at the same time the S. S. Middlesbrough (Captain Sutton), from Boulogne for West Hartlepool, ran into the old harbour, the operations being watched with the deepest anxiety by hundreds on shore. Captain Sutton says that the Billy Boyd above alluded to signal him with her ensign upside down, but the sea was so heavy that he could not render no help. She, however, is fortunately safe. Beyond that a small vessel was seen riding off the mouth of the Tees about gnome, no other craft was cited up to sunset.
Lol Hansom August 20, 2014 Weather & Tides