CEMETERY – New Cemetery & Burial Board/Council

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 15/12/1871.


            The Vicar and Churchwardens of Redcar have issued handbills convening a special meeting of the vestry of the (“The Consolidated Chapelry of St. Peter,  Redcar,” (of all thus the ecclesiastical district of Redcar is designated in the Order in Council, which constitutes it)), for the purpose of determining “whether it is expedient to provide a New Burial Ground and appoint a Burial Board, under the pursuant to the powers for that purpose, contained in the Burial Acts stop) It may be stated that it is necessary for the assembled vestry to pass a resolution that a new burial ground and burial board are required, and to submit that resolution to the Home Secretary before any further action can be taken in the matter.


Lol Hansom December 21, 2013 Churches, Council - other