CHURCHES – Vicars of Kirkleatham, Marske, New Marske & Marton

Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 16/11/1877.



This living, which became vacant by the death of the Rev. Chas. Bailey, M.A., has been presented to the Rev. Thos. Robson, B.A.,, Vicar of Marske, by the patron, the Archbishop of York. Mr. Robson was vicar of Kirkleatham for 13 years, and in 1867, he was presented to Marske by the late Earl of Zetland. The Rev. Chas. Bailey, who was Mr. Robson’s predecessor, both at Marske and Marton, held the former living for 10 years, viz., 1850-60, from which period he was Vicar of Marton up to the time of his decease. Mr. Robson graduated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, in 1849, and was ordained deacon 1850, and priest 1851 by the Bishop of Durham. The value of Marske is stated in the Clerical Directory to be £200 a year and house, population 3470 – this is from an old senses, and the population has since considerably increased at Marske, and there is the mining village of New Marske; Saltburn-by-the-Sea was formally under the Vicar of Marske, but now is a separate incumbency. Marton is stated to be worth £300 a year and house, and population 900.during the period of 23 years, which Mr. Robson spent at Kirkleatham, and mask, he has been deservedly known as a devoted and hard-working clergyman of the Evangelical school, and the appointment is one which cannot fail to give satisfaction.





Lol Hansom December 29, 2014 Churches