HOSPITAL – Cleveland (Proposal)
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the Sea Gazette 14/04/1888.
The monthly meeting of the Guisborough Union Rural Sanitary Authority was held on Tuesday (10/04), Mr Bangay presiding.
A letter was read from the Local Government Board with reference to the proposed constitution of a joint hospital district comprising a portion of the rural sanitary district, and the urban sanitary districts of Guisborough, Redcar, and Saltburn.
The Board had, however received no communication from the other Sanitary Authorities respecting the proposal and as the case now stood it would seem to be doubtful whether, in the event of formal applications being made to them on behalf of the authorities interested, the matter could be investigated and otherwise dealt with in time to admit of the issue and confirmation of a Provisional order – if the constitution of a joint hospital district should appear to be desirable – during the present Session.
A letter was also read out from the clerk to the Saltburn Local Board, enclosing copy of a letter from Lord Zetland’s agent, in which the latter stated that Lord Zetland could not assent to the proposal of the Joint Sanitary Authorities to add new buildings to the cottage near New Buildings farm house, but was willing to let it on long lease to the Authorities should they deem it and the site suitably adapted for an infectious diseases hospital for the district. On the motion of the Chairman, the question of providing a fever hospital indefinitely postponed.
dean November 19, 2011 Hospitals