COATHAM – Changes at the Coatham
Accreditation Cleveland Standard 09/12/1944
The news of the change of proprietorship of the Coatham Hotel, Redcar, given exclusively in our columns, has been received with considerable interest in the district. Prominently associated with the new owners is Mr. Charles Amer, 1 Normanby Road, Ormesby, Middlesbrough, better known to hosts of North Country dancing enthusiasts as Charles, supervisor of many fine bands. Incidentally, he is Director of Entertainments for Butlin’s Holiday Camps Ltd. He has the experience and enterprise necessary to make the Coatham Hotel, which stands on one of the finest sites along the N.E. Coast, into something really worth while. One criticism with regard to the matter is associated with the alterations and is best summed up in the following letter which the Editor has handed to me:- I understand that alterations and extensions are actually being made at the Coatham Hotel. I can hardly believe it! Surely at a time, when ordinary business people in the town have the greatest difficulty in getting the smallest building repairs carried out and when unfortunate people in the South cannot get their homes put right hotel alterations could wait?” – Yours etc., “Coathamite” A local business man said to me in High Street on Tuesday “Surely the Coatham Hotel is big enough already without adding to it particularly at this time.”
When I was talking to Mr Amer on Saturday I realised that without the small ground floor additions proper kitchen accommodation would be impossible. The Coatham has been recently de-requisitioned and the state of the building requires work to be done on it.
Lol Hansom May 15, 2013 Coatham