COATHAM – Jubilee Park Offer of Land

Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 25/06/1887.


Handsome Offer to the Town

           A special meeting of the Kirkleatham Local Board of Health was held on Tuesday (21/06) Mr. James Rutherford in the Chair for the purpose of considering a letter which had been received from the trustees of the Kirkleatham Settled Estate, offering them as representatives of the ratepayers and inhabitants of the parish of Kirkleatham, a site for public park, comprising 16 acres of land on the south side of the railway.

          Much satisfaction was expressed at so generous an offer, which if accepted, will place the town in possession of the one advantage it has lacked as a residential watering place – an inland resort for the townspeople and visitors. With the addition of a park its attractions as a seaside resort would be equal to those of any place in the north. A resolution was adopted directing the Clerk to acknowledge the receipt of the letter, and thank the Trustees for their generous offer to the Board.

          The further consideration was adjourned to the next meeting of the Board. It is hoped, in the interest of Coatham, and its large number of summer visitors, which such an attraction could not fail to still further increase that so tempting an opportunity will not be allowed to pass unimproved.


dean October 28, 2011 Coatham