COATHAM – Visit of Orpheus Club.

Accreditation the Middlesbrough all and Stockton Gazette 06/11/1868


            They Redcar contemporary of last week, in noticing the parochial entertainment given in the schoolroom at Coatham, says :- “one item in the programme was looked forward to with pleasurable anticipations; to wit, the singing of several quartets for male voices, by eight gentlemen, members of the much vaunted Middlesbrough Orpheus Club. Of the previous disappointment felt by the audience we will not speak; neither will we presume to pass an opinion on the merits or demerits of their performance; but this may we say, that if they had paid ever so little attention to time and children their singing might have been worth listening to. As it was – oh, shade of Mendelssohn! – We forbear.”


Lol Hansom March 11, 2013 Coatham