Coatham & Warrenby – Gas question at Coatham & Warrenby
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 05/11/1874
At a meeting of the Sanitary Committee for Coatham and water and be, on Saturday (31/10), Mr A. H. Turner Newcomer presiding, an animated discussion took place with respect to the gas supplied to the township by the Redcar Gas Company. The inferior quality and deficient quantity of gas supplied was generally condemned, and it was unanimously resolved to ask the clerk of the Guisborough Rural Sanitary Authority (Mr A. Buchannan) whether the Committee had power to erect gasworks, or in any way to promote the erection of such works for Coatham and Warrenby. It was stated that sufficient capital could be obtained for the purpose without having recourse to borrowing. Some other enquiries were directed to be made and the inspector (Mr Dickinson) was instructed to report to the next meeting. Several complaints having been made with reference to the water supply at Warrenby, the Inspector was instructed to ascertain if the Darlington Water Company, who supplied the district, were bound to lay on the water on the application of property owners.
Lol Hansom August 14, 2014 Gas