Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 11/05/1877


    The usual monthly meeting of the Tees Conservancy Commission was held on Monday morning, at the offices of the Commissioners, Bridge Road, Stockton. Mr. Issac Wilson presided. The Chairman moved the confirmation of an agreement between the Commission and Messrs. Robson, Maynard, Downey, and Co., for the construction of a wharf and jetty near Coatham, to be called Coatham Wharf. Questions having being asked at to the terms of the agreement, the Chief Clerk (Mr. Dodds, M.P.) stated that the Commission was to construct the wharf according to a plan prepared by Mr. Fowler.

     After the completion of the work they would then lease to the firms mentioned for a period of seven years, on condition that they procured the sum of £12,500 at 4 ½ per-cent, the estimated cost. During the nine month the wharf was in course of construction the firm had to pay half the interest upon the money, and after that rental of £740 per annum for seven years. On the expiration of this term they renew the lease at a rental of £900. The firm are to pay 1d per ton to the Commission for every ton shipped or received by them over 50,000 tons, and 1d per ton for everything which passes over the railway. They are to pay 3d per ton on goods shipped by them for other parties, and the Commission is at liberty to ship or land anything for their own purposes without charge.

     In answer to Mr. Belk, the Chairman said it was proposed to execute simultaneously the agreement for the purchase of the land from the Crown, on which it is proposed to erect the wharf, and the agreement for the borrowing of the money. The motion for the adoption of the agreement was carried.


dean July 30, 2011 Coatham