1868 03 02 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting
Accreditation the Middlesbrough and Stockton Gazette 06/03/1868
The monthly meeting of the Redcar Local Board of Health was held on Monday (02/03) at the offices, West Terrace, Redcar. President: Messrs E. W. Lennard (Chairman), H. Moore, W. Whitaker, J. Johnston, and C. Richardson, with the Surveyor and Deputy Clerk. Minutes of the last monthly meeting, and of a special meeting held on the 6th ult., At which the rate books had been examined, and some persons excused on the ground of poverty, were red and confirmed. The Surveyor reported that the alterations at the sewer outlet were completed. The Deputy Clerk reported that the resolution of the board agreed to accept from owners of property in Upleatham parish three pence in the pound upon the rateable value of the houses for the time being, payable half yearly, for use of the drainage, had been forwarded to Mr Pick, with which the gentleman expressed himself satisfied. The agreement was prepared, and only required signature by the parties interested and five members of the Board. Mr Pick had promised to call the parties together when the whole could sign at the same time. It was agreed to pass the subject to an adjourned meeting, to afford opportunity for the property owners to complete this arrangement and report from the finance committee recommending payment of £10.10s.0d to Lord Zetland, for water and some small accounts, and £10 to the Surveyor for current expenses, was read and approved on the proposal of Mr Whitaker, seconded by Mr Johnson. Mr Moore said that he thought the Surveyor could now be able to do with only one man to assist him and it was hard case for the town to be paying two men when their was only sufficient work for one, and he wished to bring the matter before the Board. He mentioned the subject at last meeting, but they had not yet been any alteration. He therefore proposed that there only be one man employed, unless anything occurred requiring special work to be done Mr Johnson seconded the motion. This do Whitaker did note as what use the motion was. If there was not enough work to do it was not necessary to have more than one, and if anything was ordered by the Lord the resolution said more were to be employed. The Surveyor said that, up to the present, there had been work for two; all you should not have employed them. This was the first day you could possibly do without them. Mr Richardson asked that the piping for the quarter the Redcar Lane should be put in. It was proposed and carried to meeting since that no more rubbish should be put there until the pipes were layered, but he found that the work was still going on. It was only doing the think twice over. If pipes were there, the road would certainly look better, therefore he wished to see if there was any objection to this being done. Mr Moore: I proposed the same thing. The labour is only thrown away; but it is too late in the present financial year to order new work, so the matter must remain in abeyance for the present. Mr Whitaker did not see what good was being done, as the rubbish only help to stop up the gutter. Mr Johnson said there was an impression that by laying the pipes the Board would be training other people’s property. Mr Whittaker: Better do that than injure it. The matter was then leftover. The Chairman next examined the bank book, and said there appeared to be a balance in favour of the Board amounting to upwards of £53. In reply to Mr Richardson the Surveyor said the rates collected amounted to about £80. Plans for two houses and shops to be built in high Street by Mr Richard Johnson were approved and sailed. Mr Lennard proposed and Mr Whitaker seconded, that the meeting be adjourned to the 23rd inst,, and that the Finance Committee meet the Friday previous, and then the meeting closed.
Lol Hansom March 6, 2013 Redcar - Local Board