EDITORIAL – Redcar and Post Office Location
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 02/06/1876
We present our readers today with the first a list of visitors of this season, and we congratulate both visitors and inhabitants on the pleasant change in the weather. Nowhere is the change more welcome than on the North-East Coast, especially after a winter like the preceding, which has been strong in bleak North-Easters. Five times the snow has laid on the Cleveland Hills, and even after the brief week of April summer the weather has been cold, on to the showers of last week have ushered in the long wished for change of wind and weather. Now we may conclude that summer is at hand, and hope that the list of visitors, published for the first time this season, will increase rapidly in number, until all the lodgings are filled. It is feared by many that the depression in the trade of the district will militate against the season at our local watering places, but as change of air is in these days an absolute necessity to many, the very newness and accessibility of Redcar, Coatham, and Saltburn may bring many visitors who in more prosperous times would go to more distant and fashionable places. Here at any rate are the old advantages offered -the health giving air, the fine beach, with the waves of the German Ocean tumbling in at our feet, temptingly suggesting aborting and bathing. The piers, with their musical and other attractions, and the freedom from the restraints of town life which an old-fashioned seaside place possesses. These are all sufficiently well known to attract visitors in large numbers, and we have no doubt that if the weatherproof fine we shall see these favourite watering places well filled. A somewhat important event is on the eve of taking place in Redcar, viz., The change in the Post Office. It has been known for some months past that Mr. Harrison had sent in his resignation as postmaster, and more recently it has been stated that Mr. J. Grundon has been appointed his successor. This necessitates all so a change of sight, and we are able to announce that next week this will be effected, and the Post Office will be exactly opposite Mr. Burton’s the chemist and wine merchant (formerly Mr. Peat’s). We sincerely wish Mr. Grundon success, and a long tenure of office as postmaster. It would be unfair to leave this subject without recording the unfailing courtesy and attention with which the postal business has been conducted here for many years past. Post Office officials are to notorious for scant civility, and doubtless the public are often unreasonable in their demands; but this office has been a distinct exception, and its duties have been performed ungrudgingly, and with an amount of pains which is beyond all praise, and we are glad to offer this public recognition of work well done and courteously performed to all whom it may concern.
Lol Hansom October 9, 2014 Editorial, Letters and other., Redcar