EDUCATION – Redcar Schools Inspection.
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 24/03/1871
As a proof of the advancement of education in this neighbourhood, we find a large and flourishing ladies’ school in Redcar submitting to a voluntary examination, with what success we leave our readers to judge from the inspector’s report which we sub-joined:-“at the desire of the Misses Turner, on Friday last (19/03) I examined the school constructed by them at two Albert Place, and was particularly struck with the admiral tone and discipline of the whole school. The history and geography, considered with reference to the ages of most of the pupils, was excellent; and the grammar, arithmetic, and writing from dictation there in good. The French class seem to me well grounded, and some of the members filed advanced. In conclusion, I cannot but wish ‘God speed’ to such enthusiastic and intelligent teachers as their heads of this establishment seem to be. JAMES ROSSCOE, B.A.
Lol Hansom March 16, 2013 Education, Classes, Clubs & Organisations