EDUCATION – Turner Free Grammar School opening

Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 09/07/1869.


            The formal opening of this School to players of Saturday (03/07), in the presence of a

small and select party of ladies and gentlemen interested in the important addition to the educational institutions of the neighbourhood. Amongst them, we noticed A. H. T. Newcomen, Esq., and Mrs Newcomen; C. Newcomen, Esq.; J. Dodds, Esq., M. P., And Mrs Dodds; M. R. Dodds, Esq.; J. H. Skinner, Esq.; The Rev W. Milburne, vicar of Redcar; Dr and Mrs Bennett, J. Rutherford, Esq.; C. Adams, Esq.; T. Taylor, Esq.; F. Groenings, Esq.; etc. A short service was read in the school room, by the Rev’s R. L. Page, vicar of Coatham; T. Robson, vicar of Marske; and J. Davey, Head Master. After service, a splendid luncheon prepared by Mr Hikeley, of the Lobster Inn, was partaken of in the dining hall. After luncheon the toast of “The Queen and Royal Family” was proposed by A. H. T. Newcomen, Esq. “Success to the Free School, coupled with the name of Mr Davey” was the next toast, to Mr Davey responded in an appropriate speech, in which he said he had come amongst them an entire stranger, selected by the trustees from a large number of candidates. In accepting the post of Head Master, he would endeavour to fulfil the trust reposed in him by the trustees and all they would be enabled to carry out the introductions of the pious founder, and to make the school a credit to the neighbourhood. The following toasts were then proposed and duly responded to “Mr Dodds,” E the Architect and Constructors, and Mr Rutherford.” “The Visitor and Trustees,” and “The Ladies.”
