EDUCATION – Zetland School Annual Scripture Examination

Accreditation, the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea 14/01/1870.


            The annual scripture examination of this school took place on the 23rd ult., The examiner Mr Roscoe, formerly Master of this school, and now a student at St John’s College, Cambridge. We soon subjoin the report of the examiner, which evidently reflects great credit on the present master, Mr Bland :- “The children who attend Zetland Schools were examined by me this morning, in certain selected portions of scripture. I am happy to stay at that they answered all my questions most accurately and intelligently, and showed a thorough knowledge of the Bible narrative. There ready this of reply, to, evinced much careful study on the part of the children, and much praise worthy effort and skill on the part of Mr Bland their teacher. – Jas. Roscoe.
