EVENT – The Census 1871

.Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 31/03/1871.


            The numbering of the population of the United Kingdom will take place simultaneously on Monday, April 3rd. The blank schedules will be left with the occupier of each house and apartment. As these forms are prepared with great care, the direction is should be carefully read, and strictly carried out, so as to secure in the most efficient way. The end in view, viz., the number of the population, age, sex, and other particulars; all of which are of great and permanent importance, as a record taken every 10 years of the condition of this country as regards the increase of population, its extent, and the particular classes which have increased or declined since the census of 1861.


Lol Hansom October 18, 2013 Events