EVENT – Free Gardeners Ninth Anniversary
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 06/01/1871.
On Tuesday evening (03/01), the ninth anniversary of the Marine Lodge of United Three Gardeners was held at the Global Hotel. Nearly the whole of the members, numbering 32, sat down to a most excellent dinner, provided a Mr Wetherill. The chair was occupied by Brothers Warren, P. G. M., of Eston, and the vice-chair by Mr T. W. S. Locke, medical officer to the lodge. After the removal of the cloth, Brother Warren proposed the usual or little toasts, “Te Army, Navy, and Volunteers” was next given next given, coupled with the name of Mr Locke, who responded to the toast in a suitable speech. The Chairman proposed “the Archbishop and Clergy of the Diocese” which was responded to by Brother J. Robinson. Brother Warren then gave some interesting and highly satisfactory statistics of the Stockton district, and recommended the formation of a juvenile order of Free Gardeners at Redcar, as he had seen the successful working of such orders in various places. The next post was “Success to the Marine Lodge,” which was responded to by Brother Winn, P.M. Brother Picknett P.M., then read the secretary’s report, which showed that the lodge was in a most prosperous state. The following toasts were proposed and acknowledge: “The Press,” “The Ladies,” “The Visiting Friends and Brethren of the Marine Lodge,” “Kindred Societies,” and “the town and trade of Redcar.” A testimonial was presented to Mr George Wren, the late host of the Globe Hotel, signed by the officers of the Marine Lodge, for assiduous care and unremitting attention he had always shown to the members of the Lodge. Several songs were sung by the members, and a most pleasant evening was spent.
Lol Hansom September 16, 2013 Events