EVENT – Kirkleatham Entertainment Evening
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 03/05/1878.
An entertainment to place at Kirkleatham, on Friday last (26/04), being the last of the season. The entertainment was in fact a concert, as no readings were given as on previous occasions. The prices charged were higher than usual, the object being to give a treat to the Hospital children, who will have sustained the choral part. On these occasions. The room was full, and the audience testified therefore enjoyment of the fare provided for them by encoring almost everything.
The following is the programme: – Part song, “Mark the merry elves,” Choir; song, “Willie’s gane to Melville Castle,” Miss Ward (encored, and last verse repeated.); Italian song, Miss Edith Pearson (encored); song, “True to the last,” Mr. Allatt (encored, Hearts of Oak”); song, “The Bridge,” Miss Hartley (encored, “I’ll marry my own love”); comic song, “Jones musical party,” Mr. J. F. Minchin (encored); song, “ O ye tears,” Miss Murray (encored); song, “He thinks I do not love him,” Miss Edith Pearson; concertina sole all, “Fantasia on Scotch Airs,” Mr. Smithers (“); song, “Come back to Erin,” Miss Hartley (encore, “Annie Laurie”); comic song, Mr. Allatt; part song, “Sweet and low,” Choir. Edward Robson, Esq., presided. It is needless to say that Miss Hartley sung with her accustomed power and expression in the ballads she selected; her red ring of “Annie Laurie” was simply perfect. Miss Edith Pearson was a decided acquisition, and it is to be regretted that the shortness of her stay in the neighbourhood prevented her appearing before a Redcar audience. Miss Marie and Miss Wood, both local favourites, acquitted themselves to the entire satisfaction of the audience, as did also Messrs. Allatt and Minchin. Mr. Smithers’ performances on the concertina also gave great delight.
Lol Hansom January 15, 2016 Events