EVENT – Redcar and Coatham Trademen’s Ball


Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 22/01/1874.


            The annual ball of the tradesmen of Redcar and Coatham came off last Wednesday night (21/01), and must be pronounced a most brilliant success, nearly 100 couples being present. The ball was intended to have been held on the date of the marriage of the Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna of Russia, only daughter of the Czar, with his Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh; but at the time of the preliminary arrangements being made, some uncertainty existed as to the precise date of the nuptials, which are to be solemnised tomorrow in St. Petersburg. The ball was held as usual, in the Central Hall, which had been prepared for the occasion by simple but effective decorations, and great credit is due to the gentleman who carried out this portion of the arrangements, for the complete transformation they effected in the exceedingly short time the hall was at their disposal. Crimson drapery come from the beams supporting the roof, all saw numerous banners, &c., and the walls were completely covered with mirrors, pictures, shields, and bannerettes’, festooned with evergreens. Over the orchestra was the motto “God Save the Queen,” and conspicuous at the back the word “Welcome.” At the east end were the words “Success to the Town and Trade.” Additional chandeliers and a large star added to the brilliancy of the room. Refreshments were provided in the Music Promenade, adjoining the large hall, which had also been tastefully decorated), by Mrs Wilson, confectioner, of Milbank Terrace, Coatham, and her efforts to cater for the company were most successful, and gave every satisfaction. The wines were supplied by Mr Hikley, of the Lobster Hotel. The orchestra was occupied by Mr Groening’s Quadrille Band, from Middlesbrough, and the dance program commenced about 9:30 o’clock, and was kept up with great spirit till six o’clock this morning. Mr R. Atkinson again officiated as M.C., and both he and Mr S. Campbell, hon. Sec., were indefatigable in their exertions to promote the comfort and enjoyment of those present.


Lol Hansom August 23, 2013 Events