EVENT – REDCAR and Coatham Annual subscription ball
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 23/04/1874.
The annual ball instituted last year by the bachelors of Redcar and Coatham came off on Friday evening (17/04), in the Central Hall, the whole of the extensive building being brought into use on the occasion. The large hall had been prepared for dancing, and was effectively decorated with flags, banners, bannerettes, drapery, and evergreens, while numerous pictures and mirrors were suspended from the walls. When the company had assembled it presented a very brilliant appearance. Dancing commenced at half-past nine, to the strains of Mr Groening’s Quadrille Band, and was kept of with unflagging spirit till four o’clock on Saturday morning. The ante-rooms opening from the ballroom served for the ladies’ retiring rooms, ladies’ and gentle men’s cloak rooms, and card and smoke rooms. The Hall at the East end was used as a supper-room, and never looked more inviting, the decorations being more chaste and elegant. Several valuable exotic plants were placed round the fountain, and in different parts of the room, also on the tables, which were arranged by Mr Andrew Taylor, gardener for E. Schmitz, Esq., Of Coatham, who kindly lent the plants for the location. A number of designs in flowers, ice, etc attracted considerable attention. The refreshments were provided by Mrs Dent, of Stockton, who was assisted by numerous staff of waiters, and her name is a sufficient guarantee that everything in this department was all that could be desired. The wines were supplied under the superintendents of Mr Elcoate, of Stockton. A word of praise is also due Messrs R. B. Atkinson and G. W. Bottomley, of Redcar, who had charge of the decorations, for the appearance of the whole building presented, the time at their disposal being limited, and considerable difficulty, we believe, was experienced in obtaining a sufficient quantity of evergreens. Mr T. Walker, of Coatham, acted as hon. sec. (Note-There followed a list in the paper of those present)
Lol Hansom January 26, 2014 Coatham, Events, Redcar