EVENT – Summer Skating in Central Hall.

Accreditation Redcar and Saltburn News 15/07/1875


            A fashionable summer skating rink has been opened at the above hall, but we are sorry to learn that the “amusement” hitherto has not received the amount of patronage which it really deserves. The hours the room is open for skating are – from 10.30 to 12.30, 3 to 5, and 7 to 9; and the price for admission is low – 6d each, and use of skates 6d; so that for 1s our visitors and the inhabitants  can enjoy a couple of hours of thorough recreation. The Leeds Mercury of Thursday last (08/07), speaking of the skating rink at the Leeds Horticultural Garden, says:- “The skating rink recently introduced into the Leeds Horticultural Gardens is daily becoming a more popular resort. The skating is conducted with the utmost decorum, and seems to be thoroughly enjoyed by the large number of persons who avail themselves of it. And such is the attraction that on the evenings of the promenade concerts the music is almost deserted for the skating rink.” We believe we are correct in saying that the hall has been taken for the remainder of the season, and if the rink receives a fair amount of patronage skating may be indulged in during the remaining summer months.


Lol Hansom March 22, 2013 Events