EVENT – Warning to Householders after fire at Coatham

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-See Gazette 25/01/1878.


            On the evening of the 17th inst, a fire occurred on the premises of Mr. P. Jackson, 9, Newcomen Terrace, under the following circumstances:- A family washing had taken place that day, and all the clothes were hanging to dry in the kitchen. Both doors were closed, and the family went to chapel, leaving a good fire and the clothes it was supposed at a sufficient distance from it. On their return, the room was full of smoke and smouldering linen, the whole of which, together with the clothes horse, was consumed. Three Canaries were smothered in their cages, and the room was charred and blackened. There being no draft, inconsequence of the closed doors, the damage was confined to the room, and is estimated at about £30. The property was insured in the, London, Liverpool, and Globe Insurance Company.


Lol Hansom February 8, 2015 Coatham, Events