EVENTS – Charity Event – Central Hall, Redcar.

The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 03/05/1878.


            We have the pleasure of announcing that it is the intention of the promoters of the amateur entertainments at the Central Hall, Redcar, to give one on Monday evening (13/01). It is expected that nearly all the ladies and gentleman who will have on previous occasions volunteered their services will give their assistance. The popularity of these entertainments is a proof that the public and more than satisfied, and it may be confidently said that the quality of these entertainments is far above the average of amateur entertainments in general. This is not merely a local opinion, but qualified and experienced residence of towns have sojourned here have testified to the quality of the vocal and instrumental performances at the Redcar entertainments. Another popular element in their success is the fact that the proceeds are invariably devoted to some benevolent object. During the past winter the local poverty has been greater and more severe than in the memory of the oldest inhabitant. The proceeds of the former entertainments have been entirely devoted to the relief of want and the alleviation of suffering. The object of the next is the same – the sick, the suffering, and the hungry are to be the recipients of the fund raised. We have reason to believe that the quality of the entertainment will not fall below that of preceding ones, and we hope the public will respond by filling the hall with an overflowing audience.


Lol Hansom December 30, 2015 Events, Redcar