EVENTS – Entertainment in the Zetland School

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 01/12/1871.


            This entertainment, which took place on Wednesday evening last (22/11), was in aid of the Schoolmaster’s Benevolent Association, and was a decided success. The Vicar, who occupied the chair, remarked that he was happy to notice the revival of these readings, and he explained that none were held last year because a proper room was wanting. The school was employed for that night only, but he hoped that the next gathering would take place in a building especially adapted for the purpose. He called upon. Mr. N. Johnson, organist of St. Peter’s Church, to play on the piano a piece of his all composition “The Cleveland Mazurks” -which, bearing a local title, in addition to its being full of melody, and all so ably rendered, was listened to with earnest attention, and at its conclusion was heartily applauded. A Christmas madrigal, “The Winter Winds are Blowing,” was sung by the choir, and on the whole was fairly performed, though there was a slight extent – a lack of both alto and male voices. Mr. Crabtree followed with Mr. H. S. Bell’s “Mary Queen of Scots,” which he read with a marked appreciation of his subject. The song by Mr. R. H. Atkinson, entitled “The Scout,” was highly pleasing to the audience, if we may judge from the persistent way in which a redemamde was asked for. The droll humour exhibited by Mr. Wynn’s in his recitation, “Categorical Courtship,” completely brought down the house, especially when he depicted the bashful lover popping the question by means of the cat. Mr. Johnson appeared again upon the platform, and sung Spohr’s “What nerves the Hunter,” after which Miss Turner and Miss E Brown played with taste and effect a duet – “Qui Vive,” by Wilhelm Ganz. Miss M. Bennison sung Arditi’s “Joyous Life” so well, that a unanimous call for a another song was given, and the audience were obliged by an equally creditable rendering of “The Mary Laughing Girl.” A recitation by Mr. H. Simpson, entitled “The Blind Countess,” followed, after which Miss E. Potts sang Wrightson’s “Liquid Gem,” in such a good style that she was, constrained to repeat the last verse for the benefit of the listeners. Longfellow’s “Excelsior,” a composition of our great English master Balfe, was sung by Messrs. N. Johnson and G. W. Atkinson. The next, a scene from “The Rivals,” by Messrs. Picknett and Wynn, was the piece de resistance, and was almost faultlessly rendered, bringing down at various points thunders of applause, which were without doubt thoroughly earned. Mr. C. Bainbridge was then called after singing “Kit the Cobbler.” Mr. Bland’s reading of “John Maynard,” produced a very telling effect upon his hearers, picturing as it did a scene which could not but rivet the attention of all who know anything of the dangers of seafaring life. The house generally was too much moved to applaud after the heroic self-sacrifice of John Maynard, the pilot, had been depicted, and the saving their by of 400 lives. The duet “Home to Our Mountains,” was sung almost as well as any thing that had previously been given, and would undoubtedly have been encored, but the Chairman requested the people to consider that the hour was getting late. After a glee, “The Welcome Home,” had been very creditably sung by the choir, the National Anthem, solo by Miss E. Potts, and chorused by the choir, concluded the proceedings. We understand that a good amount of money will go to the funds of the Association, as more than 300 persons were present.


Lol Hansom December 16, 2013 Events