ARMY – French and Prussian Army Gift Aid

Accreditation The Redcar & Saltburn-by-the Sea Gazette 02/09/1870

French and Prussian Army Gift Aid

     The ladies of Redcar who kindly undertook the task of preparing a box of linen, &c., for the sick and wounded of the French and Prussian armies, dispatched on Tuesday a box containing a variety of useful articles, a list of which is subjoined. They have been inspected by an English officer who served in the Crimean war, and are pronounced by him to be a better contribution than money. It is intended to prepare another box, towards which contributions will be received by Mrs Dove and Miss Roberts.

     The following is a list of the articles already sent:- 13 flannel shirts, 1 dozen cholera belts, 10 pairs of sheets, 8 pairs of pillow cases, 2 dozen pairs of stockings, 1 dozen pairs of drawers, 4 calico shirts, 16 head nets, 7 dozen bandages, 18 arm bandages, 13 poultice cloths, old linen, charpie, lint, a travelling rug, and a large case of drugs. The following sums of money have been received in Redcar, for the same object: £5 collected by Miss Scorer, at the Swan Hotel in aid of the French fund; £3-3s by J. R. Walton, Esq, for the National Aid Association (for the French and Prussians); £6 at the Gazette Office, including the offertory of the Convalescent Home, Coatham, on Sunday last, amounting to 13s.0d, 2s.0d of which was in copper, showing even the patients gave their mite to help their more needy brethren in distress.

     The sums collected at the Gazette Office will be sent to the National Aid |association. The fund will be open still, and contributions are earnestly solicited. We understand that it is intended to give a concert in the Central Hall, the proceeds of which will be devoted to the above praiseworthy object.


dean July 16, 2011 Military & War Years