KING George V Queen Mary 1935 Jubilee Celebrations – Redcar
Accreditation – Cleveland Standard 1935.
The above (just visible along with the following text which we can make out) is a photograph showing the home then of a Mrs. Cooke, High Street, Redcar, to whom the photograph at the time was indebted to the Cleveland Standard. It was taken on celebrations for the of Coronation of George V during 1911 and came second in a decorated house for the occasion. The first prize went to a Mr. Jones, a schoolmaster in Coatham and third prize went to a Mr. Ralph, a tailor who was retired.
Mrs Cooke is seen in the doorway with her two sons, one of whom manages the florists shop and now occupies the right half on the ground floor that now occupies the right half of the ground floor, while the left half is occupied by Singer Sewing Machine Co. Ltd. The Standard offices can vaguely be seen on the extreme left of the photograph. There was no electric light available but Mrs. Cooke tells us that fairy lamps were suspended in the doorway.
Record Crowd Attend Sports and Fireworks
Impressive Civic Parade
(Special to the “Standard.”)
The following has been taken from the Cleveland Standard Newspaper and the whole article re-typed in full for the information of our site visitors, especially every one who wish to know what celebrations took place in Redcar all those years ago.
Redcar Jubilee Day was en fete and thousands poured in from all parts to enjoy the bright sunshine, the bracing sea air, and the many attractions provided for visitors by the
Municipal Authorities.
On Jubilee Day excursion trains from eight different places brought less than 200 short of 2,000 visitors to the town. They came from Newcastle, Crook, and Bishop
Auckland, Stanhope and Wolvingham, Kirby Stephen, Middleton-in-Teasdale,Bradford, Leeds, Hull and York, Darlington, Thornaby and Middlesbrough.
They came to Redcar and had a good time. If Redcar gives its visitors a good time they will come again.
At the children’s special programme of entertainments and sports on the Racecourse in the afternoon there were 6,000 spectators. The same large crowd watched the
display of fireworks on The Stray in the evening. They were the biggest crowds ever collected together in Redcar.
Redcar’s Jubilee Day celebrations commenced in the morning with a civic parade and thanksgiving service at Redcar Parish Church, followed by the distribution of special Jubilee gifts to school children in the afternoon and the planting of a tree in each of the six wards by the Mayor (Councillor William Morris). Later came the sports and entertainments on the Racecourse, while in the evening, following a walking race and the broadcast of the Empire Broadcast and the King’s Speech, the civic programme for the day ended with a fine display of fireworks.
The Redcar Wanderers’ Club held a dance in the Pier Pavilion. The Sacred Heart Church ran a dance from 12.20am until dawn on Jubilee morning.
On Tuesday 400 old-age pensioners were guests, on an outing to Whitby, of the Corporation.
Wednesday saw the celebrations continuing with the fancy dress balls for children and adults in the Pier Pavilion, while the Civic Ball there tonight (Friday) will be the “grand finale.”
“The Standard” understands that the only child born in Redcar on Jubilee Day was a girl, the parents being Mr. and Mrs J, of Westfield Avenue, Redcar.
The child will receive a cup valued at £5 from Mrs. B.O. Davies, who announced last week that she would present such a cup to every child born in Redcar on Jubilee day.
Midnight on Sunday.
Redcar Parish Church chimed out twelve strokes and as the last died away and the pointers moved to their twin position a new day was born . . . . a day of days . . . . Jubilee Day.
I was guest at a “Jubilee Party” and what was possibly the first toast quaffed on Jubilee Day to “Their Majesties” was drunk by us as night and morning met one fleeting infinitesimal part of time and then parted.
I began the first of my 27 hours of pleasurable labour . . . . the reporting of Redcar’s Jubilee celebrations.
There was a new moon and the streets were quiet and dark as we walked towards the pier.
There we became past of the half thousand young, middle aged, and old people who were dancing in the dawn of Jubilee Day.
And so, in Redcar, long before the dawn, the sounds of revelry, laughter, and song, music and chatter, heralded the more conventional forms of the Jubilee celebrations.
Then the false dawn gave birth to Jubilee Day proper and hundreds of dancers poured out of the Pavilion to snatch a few hours’ sleep before the Civic programme began.
It seemed strange coming from the lively setting of the Pier Ballroom with its red, white
and blue decorations, its medley of happy sounds, the rhythmic music of the dance band, and the colourful array of dancers, into the hushed quiet of the morning . . . . into the misty greyness of the dawn . . . .
For a while, until the ballroom was empty and the revellers had dispersed, the silence of the morning streets was broken by the chatter of men and women hurrying home. Here a merry peal of laughter, there a voice raised in cheery song.
Jubilee Day in Redcar began with laughter and song. For the next few hours I watched the process of Redcar awakening. As the power of daylight poured onto the streets lighting up decorated thoroughfares, curtains were drawn, the first sounds of life began, motor cars flaunting Union Jacks and coloured ribbons purred along the streets, buses began their routine journeys, early risers strolled along the Promenade . . . . dogs barked . . . . and an ever-increasing volume of sound gradually replaced the silence of a few hours before.
At half-past nine life in Redcar was in full swing.
At ten crowds gathered outside the Municipal Buildings were all organisations in Redcar met to accompany the Mayor of Redcar (Councillor Wm. Morris) to the Parish Church for the special service at 10.30, following the Civic Parade to the Church.
The procession moved off.
It was headed by mounted police and followed by the Redcar Company of the 4th Yorks. Territorials, the band of the 4th Yorks. Territorials, members of the British Legion (Men’s Detachment), Red Cross detachment, Toc H, Boys’ Brigade, Boy Scouts, Cubs and Brownies, Girls’ Life Brigade, Girl Guides, Dormanstown Band, Members of the Guardians Committee and School Managers, Governors of Stead Memorial Hospital, Redcar Fire Brigade, Members of Friendly Societies, members of public bodies, Mayor’s friends, officials of the Redcar Corporation, County Councillors, Magistrates of the Borough, Clergy, Ministers and representatives of religious bodies, Councillors of Redcar, Alderman of Redcar, Deputy-Mayor of Redcar (Councillor D. R. Semple), the Mayor of Redcar, the Town Clerk (Mr. T. D. Hockings), the police escort.
The procession left Coatham Road and moved via Station Road to the High Street to the Parish Church.
Hundreds of people lined the route of the procession and the civic pageantry of the Mayor, Town Clerk and Members of the Town Council in their official robes and insignia,
The church was filled to overflowing. Hundreds of people failed to get inside to take part in the thanksgiving service, but judicious foresight made it possible for many of these people to listen to the service in the Parish Hall to which it was relayed. It was also relayed to the playground of the nearby Zetland School. The collection taken was in aid of King George’s Jubilee Trust.
After the service which was conducted by the Vicar of Redcar (Re. H. Robson), the parade moved back to the Municipal Buildings, the same large crowds lining the route. I understand that this Civic Parade to the church was one of the largest and most spectacular civic displays seen in Redcar for many years. It was marshalled by Superintendent Thornton.
A relay of the service from St. Paul’s Cathedral was heard by a large congregation in the Coatham Parish Church.
Early in the afternoon children came rushing out of school clasping medals and Jubilee mugs and chocolates which had been distributed to them by officials of the Town Council while the Mayor made a rapid tour of the town planting a commemoration tree in each ward.
At 2.30 p.m. I stood in the main entrance to the racecourse and witnessed a sight which has never before been seen in Redcar that of a seemingly endless stream of men, women and children pouring into the enclosure, the children receiving flags.
For over an hour this constant influx of children and adults passed through the gates and not until the 6,000 mark had been reached did this excited and happy human stream stop.
Not only children, but their parents and elders begged for the flags which were being distributed. Many men wore miniature Union Jacks as handkerchiefs for their breast pocket . . . . women used them as neckerchiefs.
Never has the Redcar racecourse presented such a colourful and gay spectacle. The grandstand was literally packed tight. The field below it was a multi coloured multitude of men, women and children.
Though this was an event organised for the children, they were outnumbered in hundreds by adults and it was a fact that the greater part of the seats on the stands were occupied by adults. Scores of children, I am sorry to say, did not see much of the entertainment provided for them. That was the one regrettable feature of the afternoon.
Yet it was a happy afternoon.
Community singing accompanied by the Dormanstown Band was led by Mr. Billy Scarrow, while Punch and Judy, time honoured favourites of the children, kept laughter in full evidence, Professor Foster provided further amusement with his ventriloquism, Madame Margo’s troupe of dancers were equally enjoyed, Arthur Townsend added further comedy, “Boy Joe” contributed clever accordion music and last but not least (apart from the physical sense of the word) little Billy Chilmaid, second in the all-England dancing competition, gave an appealing display of his skill and talent.
Arthur Harrison was the pianist.
The Mayor and Mayoress and the Town Clerk and his wife were present in their robes of office.
In the evening the crowds gathered on the Stray for the walking match. There were seven competitors and the race was through Marske, Kirkleatham, along Coatham Road and the High Street, and back to the Stray.
In a close finish Messrs. Jackson (1), Nicholls (2) and Calvin (3), came in within a minute of each other and prizes of vouchers worth 30shillings, £1pound, and 10shillings. Respectively were presented to them by the Mayoress.
As 8.0 o’clock approached the crowds on The Stray became bigger and the hub-hub of noise suddenly ceased as the Empire Broadcast began and was followed by the King’s Speech.
At 8.30 p.m. the ever growing crowd was treated to a band performance by the Dormanstown Band, and the Redcar Male Voice Choir, while dancing on The Stray was also enjoyed.
Huge Crowd Listen to Empire Messages
The Overseas messages of congratulations to the King and Queen were broadcasted on Monday evening and were listened to with marked attention by a rapidly growing crowd of holiday makers on The Stray and also at the cinema theatres of Redcar.
Messrs. Upton’s provided the loudspeaker van and the messages from India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Newfoundland, and Bermuda, and the Prime Minister (Mr Ramsay MacDonald) came over with wonderful clarity.
Each message was prefaced with such statement as- “London calling the Continent of Asia,” followed by “India calling London.” Then would come the BBC introduction “His Excellency the Viceroy of India.” Then followed the words of Lord Willingdon, speaking on behalf of the princes and people of India. In the case of the Dominion’s all the speakers were acting Prime Ministers as the actual Premiers are, of course, in London. Dr. Ear Page, for instance, spoke for Australia.
The messages wound up with the National Anthem which was the prelude to the speech of the King himself in response to all these messages.
His Majesty spoke with his customary excellent voice, deep and resonant. His opening sentences were obviously embarrassed by some emotion as he recalled the scenes earlier in the day and expressed the satisfaction of the Queen and himself at the devotion and loyalty and love by which they had been surrounded.
The vast audience on The Stray listened to the King’s Address with quiet attention, all the men uncovering when the strains of the National Anthem were heard.
As this is the first time on record that the King’s voice had been heard on The Stray at Redcar we give the actual text of his words:
At the close of this memorable day I must speak to my people everywhere. Yet how can I express what is in my heart? As I passed this morning through cheering multitudes to and from St. Paul’s Cathedral, as I thought there of all that these twenty-five years have brought to me and to my country and my Empire. Words cannot express my thoughts and feelings.
I can only say to you, and very dear people, that the Queen and I thank you from the depth of our hearts for all the loyalty and – may I say The love with which this day and always you have surrounded us. I dedicate myself anew to your service for the years that may still be given to me.
I look back on the past with thankfulness to God. My people and I have come through great trials and difficulties together. They are not over. In the midst of this day’s rejoicing I grieve to think of the numbers of my people who are still without work. We owe to them, and not least to those who are suffering from any form of disablement, all the sympathy and help that we can give. I hope that during this Jubilee Year all who can will do their utmost to find them work and bring them hope.
Other anxieties may be in store. But I am persuaded that with God’s help they may all be overcome, if we meet them with confidence, courage, and unity. So I look forward to the future with faith and hope.
It is the young that the future belongs. I trust that through the Fund inaugurated by my dear son, The Prince of Wales, to commemorate this year many of them throughout this country may be helped in body, mind and character to become useful citizens.
To the children I would like to send a special message. Let me say this to each of them whom these words may reach – The King is speaking to you. I ask you to remember that in days to come you will be citizens of a great Empire. As you grow up, always keep this thought before you; and when the time comes be ready and proud to give your country the service of your work, your mind, and your heart.
I have been greatly touched by all the greetings which have come to me to-day from my Dominions and Colonies, from India and from this home country. My heart goes out to all who may be – here listening to me now wherever you may be – here at home in town or village, or in some far-off corner of the Empire, or it may be on the high seas.
Let me end my words to you those which Queen Victoria used after her Diamond Jubilee thirty eight years ago. No words could more truly or simply express my own deep feelings now: “From my heart I thank my beloved people. May God Bless Them.”
Long before the scheduled time for the fireworks display the largest crowd of people ever assembled together in Redcar were packed tight around the fireworks enclosure, and as dusk gave place to darkness the fireworks display began and some £15 worth of jewelled and artistic fire spasmodically lighted the darkness and the impressive spectacle of some 6,000 people, their faces white in the brilliant lighting of the fireworks contrasting with the accentuated blackness around them, was a spectacle long to be remembered.
And the finale came with the prayer written in letters of fire, “God Dave the King.”
This ended the civic programme for the day, but at the Pier Pavilion a few hours later another half thousand of young people met to dance into the early hours of Tuesday morning.
This Jubilee dance was organised for the Redcar Wanderer’s Club by Mr. C. Parker and was a brilliant gay conclusion to a day of pageantry and happiness.
I danced until the early hours of the morning in a happy crowed ballroom where the spirit of the Jubilee reigned with a jolly hand.
Everybody entered into the fun with that utter abandon that can only go to make any event of this kind a huge success.
And so Jubilee Day ended . . . . And I was tired.
But Jubilee Week still lived and on Tuesday dinner-time over 400 old people, all old-age pensioner set off by two trains for their “Jubilee Outing,” as guests of the Corporation, through the Esk Valley and on to Whitby, returning via the coast route.
On their arrival back at Redcar Station the old folk showed their appreciation of the trip by giving three rousing cheers for the Mayor and Corporation, while before going home they sang the National Anthem.
As Mr. Vickers remarked, “I have never seen such a lively crowd as old people.”
The oldest women was 90.
Present on the trip were: The Mayor and Mayoress, the Deputy Mayor and Mrs Semple, Clerk and Mrs Hockings. Mr. Vickers, Councillor Mrs. Lonsdale, Alderman Harris, Alderman Charlton, Councillor Fletcher, Mr. Foulkes and Mrs Foulkes, Mr. and Mrs Lauriston, Mr. J. Moore (secretary of the Chamber of Trade) Alderman Metcalfe and Mrs Metcalfe.
Both trains had members of the Red Cross association aboard. The trains were decorated with flags.
__A. D.
dean March 24, 2010 Events